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Kuva Lich; Requiem Whispers



Okay, so I have been dealing with this Kuva Lich for a couple hours or so, trying to collect Requiem Whispers to learn about the Requiem mods I need to kill the Lich. Well, My Lich has shown up, I have killed quite a few Thralls, and yet, the meter for my first requiem is barely about half full. I have made an attempt to kill him, and it gave me bonus progress, but it is still really slow going. Any tips to make this go a bit faster? 

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4 answers to this question

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go as a squad as you will have more people to kill thralls
when someone stabs there lich an fails EVERYONE in team gets murmur progress
each time you do a lich mission that YOUR lich has control of the planet its on its rage bar goes up, this is good so team swaps between whos picking mission to slow down lich rage meter an having it come in quite often.
survial missions give alot of thralls fast.
there is a set spawn limit on the kuva thralls but the enemies the lich has entralled in the mission have a seperate spawn limit

when i was doing lichs when i learn the first requiem i try an see if it fits into the first slot
if i fail 😄 then i know it will be 2nd or 3rd
an so on but i often would just random selection of requiems as if they do spawn before i know the first one i can always take a wild shot in the dark

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Right thralls 101:

Each thrall gives 1 progress to the bar, and in total you need to kill around 180 thralls to unlock all 3 mods. 

A lich can spawn up to 10 thralls, and 10 more spawn in each mission

Any thralls the lich spawns can go over the normal limit. So lets say you killed 8 thralls then the lich shows up. You can in total get 28 progress from that one mission (8 normal thralls, 10 lich spawned, and 10 progress from the lich since when you fail the mod sequence it gives you 10 thralls worth of progress)


My personal tip: farm until you got the first mod unlocked, then put it in slot 1 (furthest to the right). If it succeeds when you attack the lich, you know your first mod. If not, move it to slot #2. Do the same thing for the second mod. Worst case, you know the third mod is the first. Best case? You know the order of the mods

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There is some good advice here. My method is a little different in a couple ways.

Get a group of four together, at least one person with all three requiems discovered, one with only 2, and one with only 1. Last person can have any number, 2 or 3 is better. Start hunting the lich with all three murmurs discovered. Hunt until the lich shows up. If it dies, get a new one and hunt the lich with the highest murmurs. If it doesn't die, hunt for either of the two liches with the most murmurs. We sometimes swap out if the highest doesn't have any good nodes.

By the time the two highest have killed or converted their liches, the two lower ones are pretty well on their way to finishing their liches.

Always change your mods after each Lich attack. If you tried Fass in the first slot, and it didn't work, you don't get murmurs if you leave it in the first slot.

If you are doing a mission for someone else's lich, on a node your lich controls, your lich may show up. If you are on a node that is controlled by the liches of every person in the squad, you could theoretically see all four in one mission. (Very unlikely, and only one will show up at a time)

What I don't know for sure: If you are on a mission, and have 10 mission thralls show up, and Person A's lich shows up and converts 20 thralls - if person B's lich shows up, do you get 10 more thralls?

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