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NSW -> PC migration



5 answers to this question

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As said by the posters before, there is no set system, nor is there any set plan for account transferals, migrations, or crossplay as far as we are aware. You're going to have to make a new account and start from scratch unfortunately. However since you're already acquainted with how Warframe generally works on NSW, you may find both a little easier and faster to progress in game. 

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From what is known, DE has no plans for Cross-play, Cross-save, Account Migrations or anything that would link a platform to the other, its also something that you should expect to never happen, and I will explain why.

DE has contracts whit the Console platforms, and unlike on Steam, they can just do whatever they want whit their game and have it approved, this is where the 3 above topics come in place.

  • Cross-play would require all company's to aprove of it, and they dont because it would lower the potential of someone deciding to buy a specific console to play whit their friends, meaning that not having Cross-play will influence the decision of a player wen buying a console, as they will most likely chose the one their friends play whit. There is also the issue whit the fact that Consoles do not have a proper keyboard support system, meaning that PC players would be at a massive advantage in terms of gameplay, being more efficient and proficient. Also, PC has a different economy compared to the consoles, Console Tennogen works based on Platinum, meaning that you can buy cosmetics whiteout wasting a penny, but PCs Tennogen requires actual money.
  • Cross-save is also something that wont happen, for DE to introduce cross-save, all company's would (again) have to agree to it., SONY, Microsoft and Nintendo do not want to lose players to PC or each other, as thats money they are losing from their store purchases, they simply would not take the risk.
  • Account Migrations have only occurred from PC to Console, never from Console to Console or from Console to PC, this, again, comes from the fact that whit Steam DE has full freedom over the game, meaning that they can migrate PC accounts all they want, since Consoles will welcome the players whit open arms, but they cant do it the other way around because SONY, Microsoft and Nintendo would simply not let them do it.
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Saves are entirely server-side, so I don't think there's much that the console makers could do to stop it. I think the problem there is that the platforms are never in sync, so trying to keep an account working on all platforms simultaneously would be a mess. They might be able to pull it off if they deliberately held back patches for everything, but being able to rapidly patch the PC version is too valuable to give up.

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