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Suspicious Transactions Warning


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        I would first like to preface this with an apology in the case that this is an inappropriate place to submit this kind of post, this is the first forum post I've written.

        Back in May I received an ill-gotten Mag Gauss Helmet from another player. I submitted a ticket explaining my situation, with admittedly misremembered information as I had taken a break from the game for about a month after receiving the helmet, and patiently waited for a response. This helmet was received by the gifting method, not through any trading post, and thus I, in my naivety, accepted the gift, yet offered to pay him back. He declined, mentioning that he intended to quit Warframe very soon and is spending all of his platinum just gifting people items on their wishlists. Unfortunately, the sketchiness of this situation never seeped into my mind, and I accepted the story rather quickly, happy that I just got the helmet I wanted. I was waiting for the helmet to appear in nightwave, but I had made up my mind to just buy it with platinum if it didn't show up in the next rotation.

         So I got the helmet through the gifting system, played for about a week, then stopped playing Warframe for about a month. In early July, I returned to the game to receive in my inbox a message about suspicious transactions, and noticed that my helmet was missing. I asked about the situation in region chat, and they let me know that this person was a known scammer and lots of people dealt with the same issue after his supposed "quitting of Warframe." I had also heard rumors that my platinum could have also been taxed, to which I checked my platinum amount, and although I was still in the 200-300 range, I thought i had minimum 275p, as I saved enough platinum for the helmet, but did not intend to dip below 200p. Instead I had 220p. I asked region what to do, they said I should submit a support ticket, and so I did. In short, I expressed my frustrations with the system of suspicious transactions, finding it absurd that they'd tax my platinum for something I had little control over, that control being to open my inbox, or not to open my inbox.

           This was admittedly a rather hasty decision, accusing them of taxation over the issue, but I made it clear my support ticket could involve false information regarding my platinum count as it had been a month since I last looked at it. I also made it clear that I do not necessarily want the platinum or helmet back, because, to a degree, I understood their method to dealing with this matter, but instead I submitted the ticket to cast whoever's in charge of reading the ticket's suspicion unto the scammer so they can perhaps catch him in the act? Once again, I took a break from Warframe as the whole situation kinda soiled it for me for a while.

           A month later, today, on August 24th, I receive a response to my ticket. I don't particularly mind the wait, I'm sure many tickets flow in and out of the system all the time, especially with the whole Athodai and Hydroid debacle. I started playing Warframe again when Deimos was announced, and didn't really care about the issue anymore; however, after reading the response to my ticket, they mentioned a few things of note. First and foremost is just for those wondering, I did in fact misremember my platinum count and they told me so. I trust this assessment regardless of whether I remember or not as I am sure they have the ability to fact check me. The second thing they mentioned is more worrisome: they stated that if my account was "caught" being involved in fraudulent activity again, my account will be banned, no exceptions, and "no chance to continue playing." This is what this post is about (sorry for the lengthy backstory, I figured I should at least give the background of the situation). Is this just an automated message sort of deal and this kind of response is to be expected? Was this written out by someone tailored to me? Regardless of who wrote it, I find it frustrating that my account has been flagged for suspicious activity just because I opened an inbox message.

             I have recently put in a lot of time in the game after the announcement of Deimos and I am afraid all that time, and all the time before that just playing the game, will be wasted with "no chance to continue playing." My source of income for platinum is grinding out prime sets and selling them, so what if I sell a prime set to someone who has ill-gotten platinum? Will I get banned for that? Is there a way to restore trust in my account?

            Thank you for taking the time to read through this, I would certainly like input. Hopefully I can provide more clarification if there are questions. I am honestly really concerned about this situation, I don't want all this time to go to waste, especially Deimos coming up, I'm really excited for it. I suppose for now I'll make myself scarce in the trading scene and vehemently refuse any gifts from other players from now on. Though, I must admit, I find the threats of bans and no guidance on how to restore trust to be a rather difficult and frustrating "solution" to cheating.


Edit: I also forgot to mention that the person responsible has already been banned as told to me through the ticket response.

Edit 2: I believe my issue is solved for the meantime. Thank you for the replies and letting me know that I am not necessarily at large risk of being banned and I have submitted another ticket explaining the situation.

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Ok now I've read it and yeh I agree that their system for dealing with this is bad, I think the best thing to do would be contact support and point out that you are not guilty here, the other party is. I don't know what they're smoking that they think banning an innocent unaware party is the right solution.

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1 minute ago, -CdG-Zilchy said:

Ok now I've read it and yeh I agree that their system for dealing with this is bad, I think the best thing to do would be contact support and point out that you are not guilty here, the other party is. I don't know what they're smoking that they think banning an innocent unaware party is the right solution.

Is there any particular tab or person I should bring this up to? I'm assuming Account Support?

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First , Remove the scammer's name , Naming and shaming is against the rules.

second, forum's can't help you with anything other than, telling you to submit a ticket and try to explain the situation Clearly to the support team and ask them what to  you need to do to avoid a ban.

in the future, Try not accepting anything from any one unless you absolutely trust. gl

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2 minutes ago, ryu-hayabusa1 said:

First , Remove the scammer's name , Naming and shaming is against the rules.

second, forum's can't help you with anything other than, telling you to submit a ticket and try to explain the situation Clearly to the support team and ask them what to  you need to do to avoid a ban.

in the future, Try not accepting anything from any one unless you absolutely trust. gl

Thank you for letting me know, the username has been removed.

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Just a few notes:

  • you don't need to open the inbox message, the gift automatically inserts the helmet in your inventory, the inbox is just to let you know what came in while you were away
  • Support will reverse any trades that they might find unfair or similar to previous known unfair trades, so even if eveything is ok and the players trustworthy, they can and will remove anything suspicious
  • even if the situation happens again, if you have a good clean record, use trade normally and have no other infractions, they will hardly ban you, support also has common sense and can see what kind of trades have you done, you can call this your "trading reputation", the higher it is, the more you can do, there is no way to check this ingame or via support, it's on a case by case scenario.
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2 minutes ago, KIREEK said:

Just a few notes:

  • you don't need to open the inbox message, the gift automatically inserts the helmet in your inventory, the inbox is just to let you know what came in while you were away
  • Support will reverse any trades that they might find unfair or similar to previous known unfair trades, so even if eveything is ok and the players trustworthy, they can and will remove anything suspicious
  • even if the situation happens again, if you have a good clean record, use trade normally and have no other infractions, they will hardly ban you, support also has common sense and can see what kind of trades have you done, you can call this your "trading reputation", the higher it is, the more you can do, there is no way to check this ingame or via support, it's on a case by case scenario.

Noted. This has been the only time anything like this has happened to me, so I suppose according to what you've mentioned, I should be fine. I will admit, the wording of the ticket response did frighten me.

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1 hour ago, AlphaPHENIX said:

Ya, you know it really doesn't help in these kind of situtations that there isn't a decline button on those inbox gifts.

Exactly. I think that not being able to decline a gift could lead to a serious abuse of the system by giving away ill-gotten items to players who don't know better, like myself apparently. At this point, if there was a decline button, I would use it in a heartbeat at any given opportunity.

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