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Infested arm cannon


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cheer communties, the day has come everyone get ready for the big day event and don't act too hyped like that guy over there


just smile and if anything is rain down pouring hard in a way put down joy emotion of going depression, just don't for just be glade there is something new to do.

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2 minutes ago, ChaoticEdge said:

that was the last time someone said that and that weapon turn out be dang good surprisingly. 

Shedu? Honestly it was pretty underwhelming compared to the initial reveal of it and its 4 siblings back before Tomb of the Sentients.

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1 minute ago, bibmobello said:

I don't think you can call the shedu a good weapon( compared to melee).

  they sort of weirdly buff things around which some odd reason I don't see that weak meme dmg that DE always been doing every time.  Yet don't forget they only made melee meta because weebs and some dudes from Taio some sort game wanker or either someone try forum religion group into this game wanted melee be always powerful more then "range weapons" (I am still have my eye on you weebs and Taio guys).  Come to think about it the Shedu use to be "powerful" then they nerf it hard when melee should be equally be nerf like the range weapons which felt like should be fair in games because if they don't let range weapons be meta, then no one become meta specifically you too melee meta and frame meta.

  Fun things about it, I still don't believed the way of the weebs for all they can do earn my respect but never believed in they have the spirit of whatever they have.



yea, prefer good old guns that never run out ammo, already made that weak rattle gun a meme and doing crit and using that sweet hunter thing for it works fine, just gotta add that viral oh wait there is the riven mod lets make viral in there.

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