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Defeating a Kuva Lich



Hello, and thank you for reading this question 

I want to start by saying that I've had this particular Lich for awhile now and due to the amount of times finding the right runes for defeating it has become increasingly hard to defeat it by myself, so what i'm asking is, "what would be the best mods, weapons and warframe's to do defeat a Kuva Lich?" 

  • the Lich's weaknesses are blast, Cold and Impact 
  • the Lichs resistances is to acid, piercing
  • its weapon is a kuva kohm
  • its weapon bonus is toxic 40%

I've try using my strongest or highest forma warframes, weapons and high ranked mods to use on it even using strategies like the Frost prime, blast type weapons and impact weapons and enhancing them with modes that would increase the effect or damage,but it doesn't do the high damage that i'm aiming for.

Again thank you for reading this I hope to hear from you soon.    

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4 answers to this question

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Ideal frame is Revenant for immortality.

Ideal weapon is any melee with high attack speed and combos with lots of attacks such as nikanas or tonfas. My go-to is Kronen Prime. Just melee the Lich for all you've got, they'll be stunned and unable to fight because of Mesmer Skin.

I prefer viral damage unless they're immune to it, because procs let you chew through their life fast.

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6 minutes ago, Dawnwalker2297 said:

Hello, and thank you for reading this question 

I want to start by saying that I've had this particular Lich for awhile now and due to the amount of times finding the right runes for defeating it has become increasingly hard to defeat it by myself, so what i'm asking is, "what would be the best mods, weapons and warframe's to do defeat a Kuva Lich?" 

  • the Lich's weaknesses are blast, Cold and Impact 
  • the Lichs resistances is to acid, piercing
  • its weapon is a kuva kohm
  • its weapon bonus is toxic 40%

I've try using my strongest or highest forma warframes, weapons and high ranked mods to use on it even using strategies like the Frost prime, blast type weapons and impact weapons and enhancing them with modes that would increase the effect or damage,but it doesn't do the high damage that i'm aiming for.

Again thank you for reading this I hope to hear from you soon.    

Just ignore weaknesses and resistances and bring some good old corrosive damage, its the best vs ferrite armor. Melee tend to be more effective though it's a matter of personal preferences. And if you have a hard time enduring lich's damage just bring a tanky frame.

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I had also maxed lvl5 for lich and i haven't had any problem with either inaros or Rhino you can also try some dps frame if you have them like Saryn or Mesa - i have often used Paracesis with high crit and corrosive or Reper prime with high slash and viral. But if you are having problem to take him down alone maybe it would be best to ask help from your clan or friend. 

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