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Syndicates have stopped attacking me


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I'm currently using Steel Meridian, Red Veil, Arbiters of Hexis and Cephalon Suda. I am enemies with The Perrin Sequence and New Loka and I mean -44,000. The thing is, they've pretty much stopped attacking me. All good? Well, not really. I'm currently doing runs for Harrow's systems blueprint, which is 8 rounds of Defection. Therefore, the Ancient Healers come in incredibly handy for healing my squad, protecting point A. I know, I'm running Trinity so I just heal the defectors, job done, but Ancient Healers do come in handy in other missions.
Is there any specific mission that has a high chance of getting New Loka and the Perrin Sequence to attack me? What's ironic is, my enemies have stopped attacking me and my friends are (Red Veil who appear once you've rescued 4 squads) 😁 Thanks.

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In a word, no.  As someone that has been enemies to New Loka, I noticed that like everything else in the game -- it's all RNG. 

I'm currently going through a lull myself as none of the syndicates I'm at max negative are attacking me either.  Heck if I didn't know better, I would be lead to believe something broke with the code controlling syndicate and death marks as I have a butt-ton of Stalker Death marks accumulated and I just saw one hit me the other day from 2 months prior. 

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hace 49 minutos, Marcuspolomintus dijo:

I'm currently using Steel Meridian, Red Veil, Arbiters of Hexis and Cephalon Suda. I am enemies with The Perrin Sequence and New Loka and I mean -44,000. The thing is, they've pretty much stopped attacking me. All good? Well, not really. I'm currently doing runs for Harrow's systems blueprint, which is 8 rounds of Defection. Therefore, the Ancient Healers come in incredibly handy for healing my squad, protecting point A. I know, I'm running Trinity so I just heal the defectors, job done, but Ancient Healers do come in handy in other missions.
Is there any specific mission that has a high chance of getting New Loka and the Perrin Sequence to attack me? What's ironic is, my enemies have stopped attacking me and my friends are (Red Veil who appear once you've rescued 4 squads) 😁 Thanks.

RNG , just like stalker ... some times the daily dread delivery service coems 10 times some times you don't see him for weeks grab some dice and trow the on the table you got better odds at guessing the nr than to guess the syndicate attacks xD

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I got my first New Loka Syndicate attack in what must be a month or so of playing and I landed slap bang in RNG hell.
I was doing a Nightwave, open 4 Orokin Vaults, mission, playing as Loki, carrying all keys (obviously doing it solo). I saw the face of New Loka appear and thought at last, at which point, I went through a door, slap bang into all of the Ancient Healers. I instantly hit invisible, but too late. I got grabbed by a Healer (only had something like 65 health and shields) it stripped my shields instantly, the attack also happened to trigger a blast container (which I never saw) and that killed me. Bye bye Ancient Healer blueprints. 🤣
I'm beginning to think there's a sadistic developer who's written in a code, especially for this situation.

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