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Integrating Lich and Invasion systems


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We know that sooner or later they will be adding corpus lichs, and they motto was "connectivity" right? 

Yet Kuva lichs feel so isolated being on their own mission nodes. Invasions also feel a little isolated.   why not merge the 2 systems together.

Get Parvos Granum to be the Corpus version of the Kuva queens,  Have them fight for something other then Kuva. (have a new resource if necessary) then have the Queens and Parvos be the opposing Grineer and Corpus leaders for the invasions missions.   This would make sense for multiple reasons.

- This would bring more players into the pool of both mission types.

- Make the Razorback and Fomorian missions come more often.

- Create unity between the missions in game.

- Give players a choice with the Corpus lich or Grineer lich by Recruiting or Kill them depending on which you supported.  (making the whole recruitment idea way more plausible)

- Detonite, Fieldron, and Mutagen Mass being more plentiful. to be able to be fed to the Helminth as a high tier food.


Just a thought.   Also Infested Lichs could join the fun if they ever get implemented. 

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I LOVE the idea of reusing Parvos, could go very well with the theme, and it'd be nice to see some consequences from the many quests there are, rather than being one time done and forget things.

But merging it with invasions, I don't know. Could become real annoying if you're just looking for fieldron and such.

And imagine this : orokin liches with the glassmaker as their "leader". I don't know how much sense it would make, but it sounds awesome to me.

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Players will have plenty Fieldron, etc after hunting down new corpus lich weapons if this was the system.

Also you could still keep a couple generic invasions,  or have the level determine the amount of rewards.  Example: a rank 5 lich invasion spawning 20 murmers instead of 10 and providing 4 Detonite instead of 2.  While a Level 30 Mission would reward lower with less threat of being attacked by the lich for a easier run at the resource you wanted.

I'd love lichs of each faction!  Grineer, Corpus, Infested, Corrupted, Amalgam, Sentient, Orokin, Floooof.   just gimme them all.

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Here's m take, because this is a great idea worth expanding!

All invasions have a chance for a Kuva/Corpus Litch to invade as a kill target, not necessarily YOUR LITCH, but if your Litch (or the Litch of other teammates) owns that node then he/she may spawn. Spawning in this way would not count towards a Litch's growth (though you should still gain whispers and be able to kill if you're prepared). Instead the goal is to repel them (2 bars down) to demoralize the enemy. Doing so would increase your contribution to the invasion by 1. To that end, Invasion contributions would be increased to 5 in order to account for these litch spawns. So, do the mission, repel the litch and you're not 2/5 for invasion assistance. Killing the litch in this manner would reward a generous chuck of Kuva at the end of the invasion for each litch killed (or whatever the Corpus litch resource ends up being). Killing the litch with a Kuva weapon equipped would also grant extra affinity (if grinding up to level 40) and have a chance to add a Valance bonus to the weapon's elemental damage.

Other bosses from the game could also lead these invasion campaigns with different objectives and different rewards being more frequent (maybe with the occasional clash between Grineer or Corpus warlords).

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