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Suggestion for Helminth to reduce repetetive farming


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Hello!, I like the idea for the Helminth giving new abilities to warframes, but I have some concerns as to the execution.
As a player who has been playing Warframe for a very long time, I have very few non prime frames left. Especially considering how long it took to get a few of the frames initially (Ivara took me 242 spy missions, yes, I counted) and I am not looking forward to having to repeat that process just to get access to an ability. Or simply being forced to buy the frame.

My proposed solution: Require only one piece of a warframe to START unlocking the ability.
Example: I feed Helminth Ivara helmet, unlocks 25% progress towards the ability.

I have the option to feed him the additional 3 pieces (each one worth 25% more progress)
OR simply feed him an entire ivara frame to get the ability.
OR i can instead use spare resources that I have lying around (nano spores) to increase the progress on the ability.

I think this would be a good balance, A new player doesn't have as many resources to burn, so they are encouraged to get the frame, but a player who has been around a while doesn't have to go back to very low level content and farm it over and over when they have already done it before.
(This would also be a great boon for people who want the equinox ability, In case they get maybe only 7 of the pieces, and the last ones refuse to drop, they could make up the difference with a handful of resources instead of raging at the rng)

Otherwise, I would really appreciate the ability to feed prime parts into the helminth, because it would be easier for me to get ivara prime from relic drops/trading than it would be to do another two hundred spy missions

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Rather than sacrificing the Warframe, it should just go into a chamber or something so you don't have to sacrifice it but more so just not have access to that frame unless you take it out. Almost like siphoning off the ability. There are plenty of us who have most of the primed frames and gotten rid of the regular versions either for making space or just redundancy. Perhaps they add a market item to just out right buy the ability somehow and infuse it into the customization of the warframe abilities. 

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6 minutes ago, (XB1)AMONGTHEWEAK said:

Rather than sacrificing the Warframe, it should just go into a chamber or something so you don't have to sacrifice it but more so just not have access to that frame unless you take it out. Almost like siphoning off the ability. There are plenty of us who have most of the primed frames and gotten rid of the regular versions either for making space or just redundancy. Perhaps they add a market item to just out right buy the ability somehow and infuse it into the customization of the warframe abilities. 

The problem is that, as a player who has been in warframe for years... i don't have many of the base frames left. I am not looking forward to having to do another 200+ runs to get ivara, Unless you're referring to having the prime frame 'siphoned'? I'm a little confused

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7 minutes ago, (XB1)C11H22O11 said:

Shouldn't have sold them, classic rpg rule

Considering warframe has generally quite limited inventory space compared to the number of things you can hold. AND it has been over 7 years since several of the older primes were introduced, I don't think it's too much to sell something that has been completely useless that whole time

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Actually, its the problem only with those specific low drop chance tedious to farm frames like Ivara or Harrow  - so its the drop chance that needs be fixed, afterall its also every new player sufferring trying to get them. Ive played countless spy missions, yet I still don't have full spare set for another Ivara (lacking the main BP)

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This whole system is a poor attempt to make us re-farm and grind longer, if they really had thought this trough, (not like this system is already bad in the first place to just be a new content for the sake of content), they would allow us to use mastered frames as unlock.

Maxed it once in codex a proof? Here, you can choose it.

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But most frames aren't even hard to grind again especially for those with now years of experience. It's just frames like Harrow, Ivara, or Equinox that are a pain to get. But also with enough experience plat farming isn't a difficult task either and taking an afternoon or two to get the plat together to buy a problematic frame would overall save both time and effort. Also the primary problem is with older players scrapping non-primes due to them having no purpose after acquiring their prime which is no longer a problem going forward.

But while the suggestion isn't bad per se since resource stockpiles are already required for the system spending them to skip frame grinds is gonna let a lot of players shoot themselves in the foot.

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2 hours ago, trst said:

Also the primary problem is with older players scrapping non-primes due to them having no purpose after acquiring their prime which is no longer a problem going forward.

But while the suggestion isn't bad per se since resource stockpiles are already required for the system spending them to skip frame grinds is gonna let a lot of players shoot themselves in the foot.

This is the source of my whole point, but how is this 'people shooting themselves in the foot'? It seems like a pretty good balance for me.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)AMONGTHEWEAK said:

Same, this will be my 6th year playing. I'm probably gonna end up just buying some of the frames outright with plat from trading. 


That's my plan for 90% of the frames. Not because I want to do it, it's just the best way of doing things. You can easily make 300 plat a day just farming and selling prime junk. Not even caring about the value of the things you sell. So 90% of the time it'll be business as usual for me. Although I gotta admit - part of the point of the system is to make you re-farm old frames.

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vor 12 Stunden schrieb trst:

But most frames aren't even hard to grind again especially for those with now years of experience. It's just frames like Harrow, Ivara, or Equinox that are a pain to get. But also with enough experience plat farming isn't a difficult task either and taking an afternoon or two to get the plat together to buy a problematic frame would overall save both time and effort. Also the primary problem is with older players scrapping non-primes due to them having no purpose after acquiring their prime which is no longer a problem going forward.

But while the suggestion isn't bad per se since resource stockpiles are already required for the system spending them to skip frame grinds is gonna let a lot of players shoot themselves in the foot.

It is still dragging it out unnecessary,and even then with not hard, RNG can still screw you.

I only recently helped a freind i think it was Frost? Hydroid, unsure which now but both refused to give neuroptics after several runs.

Refarming something you already had and was finished with is bad design, as i said aboce, rather let it save as mastered in the codex if you did it once and use that as template for powers to use. But then the "content" wouldn't be as "deep" and "suprising" anymore to sacrfiice a whole frame, right?

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The regrind is the point. Some busy work to keep people playing. You've had a month to farm the non prime's already and most of them are not that bad. It's still terrible but what do you expect, they add the minimum content to the game and expect players to grind for ages around that.

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On 2020-08-26 at 10:58 AM, -CdG-Zilchy said:

Took 2 days to get every frame barring a few bps from Simaris. Just get stuck in and you'll have them before you know it.

it took me 242 spy missions to get ivara...
i'm not looking forward to doing that again

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