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My Kuva Nukor did this to a Tusk Thumper!


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To sum it up my Kuva Nukor whenever it shoots a Tusk Thumper caused its body to expand where the Nukor had connected, though it would after a few seconds deflate to its default size. This would make for a great function as a weapon, make an enemy expand in size till they explode in a burst of energy. This first image shows the body and the two limbs are much bigger than usual, but at first glance its not so obvious so I made sure to take more than one picture demonstrating how it occurred more than once during my fight. To be honest I found this hilarious in general but all the same I felt it was the right thing to do to report this.



118001415_1874956629312140_2679554864548901584_o.jpg?_nc_cat=106&_nc_sid=730e14&_nc_ohc=p-a8Th81C8kAX9a8g1U&_nc_ht=scontent-bos3-1.xx&oh=bad9b72070af6686c3d06c3c9c78d808&oe=5F6BF982These pictures here exhibit  how the body expanded and the limbs were stubby^^vv


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