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I truly hate this update 

I was realy exited about it at first but then i started playing after the main story quest of daimos i went and cheked everything out only to find everything was horible even grindyer than the other two open worlds so crapy it actualy made me disapointed 

Then i went to the back room to see how to get a necromech and o boy you guys made me hate warframe a lot its not like k drives ho no its even grindyer and more infuriating than ever i hate how you half to get a necromech you aparently half to farm for the most RNG 4 parts in warframe from ONE MISSION no not multiple ONE fighting a necromech itself then after you kill it oh look more disapointment you half to do it again and again and again iv done the mission 37 times and have only goten ONE STUPID PART and even if i did get all the parts you guys made it even more grindy you half to go and get tokens a new stupid system you moronicly emplemented and to get the tokens you need you half to grind for another low RNG thing scintillant which after 20 missions i can still only get TWO but you need 8 for five tokens so thats 36 


Im sick of the grind fest you guys keep on trying to shove down players throughts the heart of demose is just another crapy grind island you guys emplemented just to get money 

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12 hours ago, Xaero said:

If you are that sensitive to grind, keep in mind DE usually reduce it a lot after some time. Don't play open world updates on release.

If by after some time do you mean a few years?  They only recently changed requirements to items on Cetus, the very first open world, to make the a bit more tolerable.

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13 hours ago, Xaero said:

If you are that sensitive to grind, keep in mind DE usually reduce it a lot after some time. Don't play open world updates on release.

This is the best advice. Ever. Its 100% true and definitely going to be reality for Heart of Deimos.

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Here is what I want to know, and what nobody seems to talk about: once you transfer into a necromech, how the heck do you exit it? Theres no transference ability and the ability menu isnt coming up when I hold the ability menu button. Is there really no way to hop out except to die?

Does console just not have a way to leave rn?

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