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My Wi-Fi USB periferic keep get disconnected when i try to update


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Hello all, i keep having this issues when a new update come out. Every time i try to Update from the launcher my USB Wi-Fi  periferic keep get disconnected, leaving my without internet connection. Is happen only when i try to update Warframe.
My connection is not the top but i can download everything without any issues around 7-8mbps, and this problem only happen when i have to update Warframe.
I can play Warframe without any lag or problem when the launcher decide that i can update without any error, and avarage ping is around 13ms, so i dont think is a RIG setting or that kind of issue.
Now with the new "expansion" i cant come in game anymore cuz im tryng everything to finish this download but when the periferic get disconnected all the download restart from beginning.
I already tried to deactivate Mass Download and Aggressive Download, but if i deactivate that settings my download speed is around 2kbps...it will take a 7 days or more.
Already have UDP port setted so is not that kind issues too
Hope some one have some tip

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Bare in mind anything i say may not be strictly relevant to your problem. However i have the same problem and so will report my solutions.

The problem occurs for me if i connect using 2.4G (a,b,g,n) wifi. Switching to 5g (AC) fixed it for me. If your wifi adapter doesnt support 5g. I can only recommend trying to get a cleaner a signal as possible by removing potential obstacles or switching to a wired connection.

Another option (maybe try a usb tether with your phone if you have a recent android phone most of them support 5g (AC) wifi. Ofcourse if your modem doesnt broadcast in 5G(AC) wifi you may have to just try broadcasting in different wifi channels on the 2.4gig frequency..

How to tether your phone. (switch phone to wifi -> connect it to your pc via USB cable -> go into phone settings -> connection -> tethering or hotspot -> enable usb tethering. Then look for windows to prompt you on a new connection. Press Yes and then you should be good to go.

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