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I think fortuna broke plus other bugs and stuff


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A list of bugs and other stuff (PS4)

I think fortuna quest broke. Like I’m trying to get my bro into warframe but stuff like this seems to happen a lot to him. So he wanted to join me for exploiter orb as that event thing is up but hasn’t done fortuna yet so he starts the quest and in the first quest while legs is chatting the mission instantly failed so he starts it again and completes it without a problem but then he gets to the part where you need to find the 4 agents on the ground for biz. He found all 4 of them but couldn’t interact with the bodies in any way so he failed and did this two more times not being able to do anything and I even took control of his game and I wasn’t able to complete it so he is locked out of all fortuna content till this is fixed.

I can’t remap the R1 button for railjack. I don’t understand why buttons get locked like this I like my power menu set to L2 and I like to shoot with R1 so it kinda messes with me and I can’t see how being able to remap R1 would cause any issues with railjack controls.

if you use the power menu and a power uses that same button for context action (like the square button for example) while close to downed enemies like when killing lich thralls it seems like it try’s to do both actions at once and you will become glitched in a way where you can’t use powers till next mission.

if you only have a primary weapon with you you will drop the key constantly when doing other actions like hacking or stabbing thralls. 

Also shedu shares this bug if I have shedu and a secondary gun with me I’ll still drop stuff when switching weapons, hacking or stabbing thralls with the shedu equipped.

if mission results screen is up and I hit R2 to bring up chat then hit square to type it will auto replay the mission when I just wanted to reply to a message. I do this all the time and it sucks.

sprint animation for Titania seems bugged when in orbiter.

not a bug but a annoyance I would like to be able to turn off auto correction in railjack and archwing it is really annoying when the railjack is rotating on its own while I’m trying to shoot stuff and this also makes banking pointless as it’ll just force me right side up again so just make it an option please. Also I miss being able to do flips and fly upside down when in archwing and making that an option again would be baller.

The front of the ship in the tactical map for railjack is often behind the forge resources when in the forge room preventing me from fast travelling to the front of ship from there.

Should be able to recast active defensive skills like mesas shatter shield, nezhas warding halo and zephyrs turbulence. it is a big pain to do really high level missions with frames that need abilities like these to survive because you will often die during the recast animation so as someone who likes to use a lot of different frames (most used frame at 7% usage) and doesn’t use adaptation on every warframe I find myself not using frames that can’t recast those types of abilities in high level missions even though I would want to just for that fact while frames like chroma, volt and gauss get to keep there defences up as long as they can pay for it like all frames should be able to. (I know that I can just slap adaptation on but that is just a bandaid and a lost mod slot for some frames)

On the note of defensive abilities trinity’s link needs more base duration my duration is at 226% and link only lasts 27 seconds. Yeah she can heal but it would be nice to be able to do something besides spamming energy vamp and blessing all the time in high level content. If I could keep link active for a decent amount of time I’d actually start using well of life as my health wouldn’t be jumping up and down all the time.

if lich grabs wukong during his defy stance he glitches and the weapon will be in his hands even while shooting and the smoke effects stay for rest of mission.

exilus slots are not really useful right now as far as I’m concerned. I really only use it for power drift to round out power damage to a even 200% and if that mod was taken out id probably only use handspring because I have pets for loot/enemy radars and the rest of the mods are stuff I wouldn’t even bother using capacity on even with that extra slot so i think that making all augment mods also exilus mods would give a lot of us a better use of that mod slot as I rarely use augments I use probably like 3 of them even though there are a lot of really good ones that id like to use but though useful most of them aren’t worth losing stat boosting mods for.

When shooting ayanga with high fire rate (I was using gauss with redline active) shells start flying back towards the camera, I don’t know if this is visual only but it’s likely that shells are being spawned in so fast that it is causing them to hit each other before they can be fired forward and so are causing wasted ammo.

when you spawn wukongs clone in railjack from the tactical menu it can never be despawned until you return to orbiter or you/it dies so if you could recast it just so you can have it assisting whoever needs it at that time that would be awesome

the invert press and hold abilities option doesn’t work on garas first ability.

A option to make hold attack button heavy attack would be cool because when switching from gun and melee a lot and then trying to use secondary fire I’ll usually heavy attack instead of using the guns alt fire by mistake. Used to switch from melee to alt gunfire now and then actually but can’t now

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