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Ivara Skirt Glitched


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On Ivara Prime, if I use any Tennogen Skin without Prime Details on, or if I just equip Ivara's base skin (again all on Ivara Prime) then the skirt is all messed up. This happens on any skin that uses her base skin's skirt (energy skirt) but not the Tennogen Skins that use a custom skirt (Astrea, Graxx, and Kuvael Huntress).

The skirt is a digitized white lace-like texture, and any colors on it just barely tint it to the chosen color.

Now I deeply apologize in advance for the quality as I'm only able to use my phone's camera.

Here's a picture showing that I am using the default colors of the Youkai Skin (no attachments, syandana, sigils, ephemeras, nothing but the Mesa animation which I found to make no difference at all)


Here's what the skirt looks like:


Back of the skirt:


Next I put some colors on Ivara Prime to try and show you how strange it is. I put black in the primary to make it easier for you to see, and the primary changes nothing. The Secondary and Tertiary however change lines on the skirt, while the Emmissive just tints the skirt somewhat. So here's the color setup:


Here's her skirt with the above colors:


Again, I deeply apologize for the quality. But you can somewhat see the green and red especially, while the blue (emmissive) is near the tips of the skirt at the bottom.

Lastly, these next 3 images are just showing you that the other skins that use Ivara's base model skirt are also affected. These are all using the same exact color setup from before.

Arcuata Skin:


Zamariu Skin:


Ivara Skin (base):


I do not own normal Ivara as I sold her once I got Ivara Prime, but she has the exact same problem.


This is all on PS4, and it's been an issue for I don't know how long. I honestly want to say it started around Hildryn's release, and it got far worse within the past few months. Sorry this was so long, and thank you for your time. Of course if you have any questions feel free to message me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2020-09-08 at 4:26 PM, (PS4)Orcus13 said:

I have the same problem an it ruins the fun i could have while playing her. 

First i thought it is a problem with my in-game options but no changing worked.

At least i´m not alone with this problem and i hope it gets some interest from the devs soon.

It's been months to be honest, I have mentioned this before and nothing.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2020-09-03 at 6:02 AM, (PS4)Prometheus_Steel said:

Has been like this, I want to say months, DE just does not care... I'd love for an option to switch these loose veil things off anyway, it's distracting. Her prime is gorgeous but so hard to look at with the pointless wedding dress glowing stardust skirt. I really hate it.

It's fixed now.

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