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Heart of Deimos Bugs


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I play on PS4, so I don't know if the issue is just for us, or if it's universal.  As a note, I get that the update only just dropped, so it's going to have a few kinks (as Steve put it), I'm submitting the bugs I've found to, hopefully, make it easier to fix - I love what I've got to play so far!


So, firstly, the cinematics seemed a bit janky and laghed so the sound was out of sync with the visuals, as well as the texture quality dropped in a few sections.


When playing through the Heart of Deimos quest line, all of Daughter's voice lines cut out and repeat.  For example, when I first met her, she got out about half of what the subtitles said she was saying, then sighed, then the next line of subtitle appeared and she repeated her first line, before cutting herself off again.  There wasn't even enough time to read the subtitles, so I think I missed out on a lot of the story.


Similarly, toward the end of the story, when the 4 Entrati pose as the album cover for Queen's "Queen II", they each spoke over the top of each other, so I have no idea what was going on there.  Also, the objective marker for "Follow LOID" never updated, so I got left standing in front of Mother with no idea where to progress until I restarted the game.  It turns out I was meant to go through the keyhole shaped door with smoke coming out of it (which, now that the story is over I can no longer access - but I don't know if that's a bug or if I need to earn standing to regain access).


Again, am really enjoying the update so far, just wanted to post about these bugs (would be keen to replay the story when it's fixed so I can actually work out what's going on haha).

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When using Quassus (Xaku's fan blade things), I get stuck being unable to use my primary or secondary guns.  I basically end up unarmed, unless I hold triangle (the swap weapon button) to swap to melee only.  Not sure if it's relevant, but I'm running a heavy attack / crit build for it - so I'm not using basic attacks.

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Please make the mining on Deimos actually do-able.  It took me 10 minutes to find this (my first ore vein).



Edit: I was just attacked by infested and Cephalites inside the transition gate into the Necralisk.


38 minutes ago, (PS4)iAsuna_v said:

Ciao! Vi chiedo di attendere un po', l'aggiornamento è grande ed è logico ci siano bug. 

Verranno fixati dopo un paio di giorni tranquillo/a! ❤️

Per favore, non fraintendere. Non mi lamento, ma come farebbero a sapere cosa risolvere se nessuno segnalasse i problemi?

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Game breaking bug, I have not been able to enter the Cambrian drift. Whenever I try to enter it just turns into an infinite loading screen and this is now the second day it’s been happening. I noticed it started after the hotfix and have been unable to do anything related to the Cambrian drift 

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Quest itself had 2 bugs for me:

1) nothing ever came to fight the first necramech, had to go back to city and fail mission. Second try it worked as intended.

2) when prompted to follow the split personality guy, he just floated around me like a sentinel and had a waypoint stuck on a pedestal in center of the room.  I wandered around til I was near the door to leave and he teleported back to that marked pedestal.  He never moved again or led me anywhere.  I just had to go exploring on my own until I stumbled upon Snake.  Idk what was supposed to happen or what I missed if anything, but the quest picked up from there.

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Probably it was already noted elsewhere, but this being a very general HOD post I add this as well:

The mining spots on Deimos are very often glitched: sometimes they are partially hidden by some other texture, sometimes they are straight invisible. Sometime they get briefly visible when I move around the spot, only to disappear again in a second.

Loving the content so far, despite minor issues!


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I myself are loving the new content and am always watching vome vs fass when it happens. However  i also found glitches. But i managed to deal with them. Mining glitches, i just stick to caves. Trying to exit isolation vault via infested node after mission complete results in me falling through the world until im plonked back into the vault again, so i just leave the vault the way i came in. This happens every time. It's a pain for sure but i guess It's the price we pay for getting it the same time as PC. They normally encounter bugs so we don't have to.

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