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The end of mission screen needs a skip function


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Today's synthesis target was an anti MOA. Fine. I thought that they lived on Jupiter, but started a mission there and got no prompt from Simaris. Abort, back to the star chart, let's try Neptune. Nope. Pluto? Nope. Europa? Also nope.

The one thing in common about all these things is that upon hearing nothing from Simaris and seeing nothing when I equip the scanner, I abort the mission and get presented with the usual  "mission failed" screen. I'm not wasting my time on a useless mission. All normal, that's fine.

What is not fine is the screen itself. It sits there and forces me to sit around while it plays some twirly animation and waves the "mission failed" text in my face. Spamming the space bar or escape key to skip this (which are the two "go away" buttons for the rest of the game) does nothing useful. Note that I'm not saying "does absolutely nothing", because I can hear my frame jumping in the background while the game is busy shoving some picture and animated text over the whole screen and explicitly, actively getting in my way.

That latter part is the cardinal sin here. I have already instructed the game to skip this, I'm hammering the two keys which do that in this game. The "main menu" is already loaded, otherwise I would not hear my frame bouncing around in front of the navigation console. And yet there's a full screen page of stuff sticking around in direct opposition to what I'm instructing the game to do. A UI should never actively interfere with the user. Unless this is a very carefully considered direct result of severe enemy attacks or environmental hazards (a good example would be the mindscrew effects from a Gamecube game called Eternal Darkness), this is a gargantuan failure on the part of the UI designer.

But not here. No, the end of mission screen insists on shoving itself in my face when it's neither necessary (the main menu has already loaded) nor desired (I am explicitly telling it to leave). This is for both success and failure screens. If I wanted to look at the absence of mission statistics, I would not be shortening the life of my keyboard by hammering the escape key.

It should not be necessary to sit around and twiddle my thumbs while the end of mission screen deigns to leave. It (both success and failure) should go away instantly when it receives an "abort" command, namely the escape key (or spacebar, but I don't know what kind of active button logic is present, nor what the default for "press active button" is).

EDIT: not related, but Simaris also needs to either shut up or give me back my controls if I'm pressing escape during his dialogue.

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