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HoD Bounties Sample Spawning and "Uploading" Issues


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While doing solo Bounties on the Cambion Drift, any bounty stage involving the collection of Infested Samples grinds the entire experience to a complete halt. Infested quickly stop spawning, and those that do rarely if ever drop samples. Bounties with the Corpus researcher take minutes for lack of sample drops, and afterwards, the uploading process seems to be random on whether all 10 samples get uploaded or not regardless of how well the researcher himself is protected. Further on this point, the time required for all samples to upload varies wildly and I can't tell if this is on purpose or a bug. I've had a completely unharmed researcher simply stop at 3/10 samples uploaded within the first 15 seconds, only to waste the final 45 doing absolutely nothing and rob me of my bonus completion goal - for no discernible reason. He wasn't attacked during the upload process, and didn't sustain any damage to health beforehand.

Second, sample collection with the purifier is just simply impossible in personal experience. Samples just do not drop at all after minutes of play and 5+ wasted power cells. Please fix this.

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