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[Fixed] Cambion Drift - Void Dashing permanently breaks


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While I'm in the Cambion Drift, Void Dashing with the Operator will suddenly break, and become permanently unusable until the player returns to base. (Attempting to VD will cause the operator to simply jump with reduced Void Mode gravity instead.) This seems to happen completely randomly and inconsistently-- if there's a telegraph, I'm apparently blind to it. Sometimes it breaks after five minutes in the Cambion Drift, and sometimes it doesn't break for an entire ~hour-long session.

Additional behaviours with unknown causes that are somehow even more inconsistent:

  • Shortly after VD breaks, there may be occasional moments where I can perform maybe one VD at a time, with what feels like a long cooldown in between. Doing this more than a couple of times will cause VD to permanently stop working.
  • Sometimes, the Operator is temporarily prevented from returning to the warframe. VD seems to permanently break after this occurs.
  • Sometimes, the Operator is forced back into the warframe, and temporarily prevented from leaving again. VD seems to permanently break after this occurs.
    • This seems to occur when VDing near a live necramech, both allied and enemy. Friendly necramechs seem less likely to perma-break VD than enemy necramechs are.


I HAVE NO IDEA WHETHER THE VOID-DASH-BREAKING "MECHANIC" IS INTENTIONAL OR NOT. I have a feeling that it's meant to be intentional, as it was in the Ropalolyst fight.

Problem is, there's no noticeable telegraph for this in Deimos. Maybe I'm just a dingus, but I've played on Deimos for around ~11 hours (all solo) since the update dropped and I still don't have a bloody clue when Void Dash is supposed to be disabled or not.

Does it vary with:

  • Vome/Fass cycle?
  • Time left in Vome/Fass cycle?
  • Position on the map?
  • Height/depth?
  • Proximity to Infested enemies?
  • Proximity to Necramechs (alive or dead)?
    • Void Dashing near live Necramechs (allied or not) will force you back into your Warframe, and often perma-break VD as well. This is NOT the only source of VD breaking.
  • Weird "glowing" ground from exploded Vome/Fass spatter (which causes the blood-spatter-on-screen effect that periodically scrambles your UI)?
  • Texture of the ground (e.g. dirt, flesh, slime-water, glowing "grass" tendrils)?
  • Certain enemy interactions (e.g. Necramech ability nullification; Infested walnut dropship spotlight)?

I've tested all of these, and it doesn't seem to be caused by any of these things. Yes, even Necramech nullification doesn't appear to be the root cause (or, at least, the only cause)-- I've completed an Isolation bounty without VD breaking, and I've had VD break while simply roaming without ever coming near a necramech.



~~ TL;DR ~~

Void Dash will randomly break in the Cambion Drift, regardless of roaming/bounty/location/time/phase/proximity-to-necramechs, even in solo mode. This is permanent, until the player returns to base. I don't have the faintest clue in hell as to what's causing this.

Bug or not, I hope it gets addressed.

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YES. YES YES YES. This is what I came on here to report. This is the most annoying bug (and honestly, one of the only ones too) I have encountered on the Drift. The only fix I have found is to go back to the Necralisk, as it doesn't even fix it if you die. Please fix this DE. There is absolutely no way this can be intended.

To add to "When it happens", I have an almost 100% chance of getting permanently locked out from void dashing if I go near a Vome Cycle Necramech OR the Isovault Necramech in operator mode. There may also be a connection between magnetic procs and the void dash lockout, or even the pseudo magnetic procs the Wyrm guts give out.

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This is by far the most annoying  bug that keeps happening. I get it gets somewhat locked down during a mech fight, but comeon. Even now that they added a reward for clearing multiple vaults it makes it even more annoying because i loved using the dash for mobility. 

Honestly feels like someone cut off my legs when i have no dash...

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Here is to hoping they figure out what is breaking it. I am guessing it was some sort of magnetic proc or something like it, but instead of a timer, it just toggles your ability off until you refresh by loading a new worldspace like by tube or by going back to Necralisk.

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Same issues for me, though it has only happened when I am remotely close to a necramech, either it's remains or a fully active one walking around. It disables my void dash and sometimes if I jump first then crouch and try to void dash it allows me but the inconsistency is frustrating. 

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Also getting this constantly as someone that actually uses my operator I find it incredibly annoying, I seriously hope this is just a bug and at least only meant to apply on certain fights or something. It was one thing screwing around with a boss on ropalolyst here and there, but having this apply to a whole zone is infuriating and unstable. Not to mention as someone that has taken the time to max out my focus, I'm not thrilled that this is making 2 main features of my focus broken most of the time, especially considering that one of them is the key reason for using that tree at all.

One thing I can say is I've only done solo out here, there is no way this is a host/client bug like those normally can be. I do have a hunch that the necramechs (INCLUDING friendly ones) may be causing this. It does seem fairly random, but I've noticed that if I've fought one, chances of it getting broken are considerably higher. Also even if I've seen a friendly, chances it breaks, are, considerably higher.

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I'm thinking it is the necramechs. I was in a vault fighting one with Ivara and anytime I used my quiver all my abilities would shutdown. Get back into the Drift and things are fine. I was wandering around and tried to use the sleep arrow on a conservation target and all my abilities shut off again, found a necramech nearby. The area where this nullification happens is massive and lingers. Not enjoying it in the slightest.


Edit: I should note, this was also after observing that VD would break in the presence of a necramech. You can tell what was on my mind when I posted though.

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What's weird is that it will start working only during another necramech fight; so if I run the first vault and dash, I lose dash until the second vault where I will intermittently have it to use on the mech until the fight is over, after which I'll lose dash again.  The fact that the fight kinda revolves around disabling the mech's invincibility (which it spams to a ridiculous degree - where it's energy bar, huh?) with such a buggy mechanic doesn't endear me to running vaults.

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I second this issue as well. It frustrates me that when I try to react quickly by jumping out as an Operator and performing a Void Dash, I would just simply jump, It has happened many times. I hope this thread get some traction and have this issue treated as soon as possible.

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1 hour ago, [DE]Danielle said:

Hey guys! We discovered this is an issue with Ally Necramechs and Transference, we should have a fix coming soon for all platforms. 

I've definitely had VD break when nowhere near an allied mech, but here's hoping that this fixes the bug completely!

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On 2020-08-28 at 6:44 PM, SortaRandom said:


I've definitely had VD break when nowhere near an allied mech, but here's hoping that this fixes the bug completely!

I hope so.

Do you mainly play solo by the way?

Seems its a thing the host gets hit by,ive not had it happen off host in public lobbys,but maybe thats luck.

But yeah nice one for posting this update atleast I know its been acknowledged now. 👍

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On 2020-08-29 at 1:08 PM, (XB1)SwiftBMF said:

I hope so.

Do you mainly play solo by the way?

Seems its a thing the host gets hit by,ive not had it happen off host in public lobbys,but maybe thats luck.

But yeah nice one for posting this update atleast I know its been acknowledged now. 👍

Yeah, I've been playing solo pretty much exclusively. I have no idea how it behaves for clients XD

By the way, DE apparently made some progress towards fixing the issue during yesterday's hotfix 29.0.5:

On 2020-08-28 at 1:38 PM, [DE]Rebecca said:


  • Potential permanent fix to Void Dash being disabled by Vault Mechs, more work will be needed on this, but we have made some progress here. 
  • Fixed Ally Necramechs interfering with Operator Void Dashing and Transference.

I haven't had a chance to test out the changes, though, since I'm away from my computer for the next couple days. Hopefully it's better now 😄


Upon actually testing ingame for a few hours, I have had precisely zero issues with Void Dash perma-breaking! 
The bug seems to be fixed. Thanks DE! ❤️❤️❤️

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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Yeah, its easily replicated still in Deimos Isolation Vaults; all you have to do is use a Necramech while there is a Necramech active; and then try to Void dash through yours or theirs; it will immediately try to cancel the Dash and switch you back to the warframe. If you are killed during this it will stick you as sorta jumping in place instead of a Void Dash and re-summoning a Necramech and jumping within may get you stuck in the Necramech unable to use any powers or transference out until its killed again. This persists usually for the whole session. Perhaps unrelated is the Face Munchers (Deimos infested drones) will cause your cosmetics to be lost (sorta floating below your feet) if they grab you while you are in an archwing, being knocked out of an archwing by anti-archwing fire also sometimes triggers this. The best idea to get your looks back is to re-summon the archwing before entering a vault.

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