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Why is game asking me about open beta stuff?



9 answers to this question

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Hi there @Hokibukisa ^^

Typing /relaunch in chat will close the game and open up the Warframe-Launcher automatically. 
Maybe the language got changed or something else happened?
For example: After a language change in the launcher you usually see the open beta agreement as a reminder.



Hope this helps? Not sure if there is a problem here^^'



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2 minutes ago, Jaysus41 said:

Beta testing is over, we're currently in Epsilon testing. Closed Zeta starts in 2021.

What, we're jumping from E to Z? There's a whole alphabet of horrible life choices we can get in before Zeta.

I was intending to be at my midlife crisis by about Y, ya know?

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8 hours ago, DeMonkey said:

What, we're jumping from E to Z? There's a whole alphabet of horrible life choices we can get in before Zeta.

I was intending to be at my midlife crisis by about Y, ya know?

It's the Greek alphabet my simian friend

Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Zeta, Eta, and on

Or if you prefer A, B, Γ, Δ, Ε, Z, Η, and on

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