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Heart of Deimos Missions randomly Failing...

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The update is great, its just super agitating when a mission randomly fails for no flipping reason!

I was farming Necromech Weapon parts, we needed the bait to open the cave to where we have to fight the Mech, and then all of a sudden Abandoning Objective! Mission Failed.

Im going to wait a little bit until DE fixes alot of these bugs. I understand that this update just came out yesterday. So im not going to flip out for this since im sure it will be fixed soon enough.

In the mean time im just going to do some Arbitrations for now.

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I've had a seperate issue with bounties: if you're asked to defend an area, the area is marked with a red circle, but nothing spawns and nothign progresses. the only choice is to abandon and head back into the Necralisk, or quit out another way.

there's been quite a few bugs, and It's making me think this idea of simultaneous release on all platforms may not be the way to go. at least before, we knew consoles would get the fixed product, even if it took way longer. now ALL of us are beta testers...


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