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Esophage Out of Bounds Glitch During Isolation Vault


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During the Isolation Vault Mission if the player has finished the mission or has unlocked the use of the Esophage to return further up the cave they will fall through the cave floor and on top of the outer mesh of the cave system, this allows the player to get a complete view of under the map, it is possible to jump back into the cave at the Esophage exit point. The player cannot return to the cave if walked to far from the Esophage exit point and will have to fall into the abyss to teleport  to a random location that will be back in the games boundaries. I have found this glitch to work with the use of 2 players, the first uses the Esophage and the second spams the USE key-bind until transferred to the Esophage exit point. This has been tested 5 times with success on every attempt but only with the Rhino Prime warframe, I havent done testing with too many frames, but harrow will not be able to do the glitch.

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