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Hydroid Rework


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Ok I was basically fishing using he droid new deluxe skin. Then I thought to myself what a waste of a skin. Which lead me to think of a new rework for hydroid, a better hydroid. First let’s change his 4 to a weapon. What weapon you ask, a trident of course. A throwable melee and you can even charge the the throw. His third ability can be the same pilfering swarm. His second can be water bubble which he can use as a form of defense. And his first ability can be a shooting harpoon, also when his fourth ability is active his first ability throws the trident and it becomes a sea monster/dragon. Yes this may seem op for hydroid but he has been weak, and shamed for so long that he deserves a chance in the spot light.marco-hasmann-hydroid-poseidon-trident2.

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