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Vulpaphyla Panzer Devolution Affinity Bug


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So when I got my panzer vulpaphyla today, I went straight to affinity farming. It went up till level 17 until, it died and the affinity reset all the way back to 0! Went all the way to the end of the mission, and poof, all of the affinity my vulpa gained was lost... I was so hyped for the mod but I guess I can't use it right now...

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I have the same issue. Gave me a mild freak-out cause when it revives it resets it's level to 0 and was worried it went from Level 29 to 0. When the mission ended it was back to the Level 20 it started with before the mission.
I also noticed it loses it's icon and info on the Affinity section of the Mission Complete screen.

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20 hours ago, Arcerinex said:

Just made a Crescent to test it out... never lost any affinity on death.

It seems they only lose affinity if you are using their "Devolution" mod.

I just did 2 ESO runs with my new Sly. First one with the "Sly Devolution" mod went on for 6 waves and it only went up around 80% of rank 1.

Second ESO was without the devolution mod and lasted only 4 waves; my sly vulpaphyla went up to rank 12.


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Same issue here, I was wondering why leveling took so long but found the issue after some runs. You have to level them without the mod until they fix it. Also did any of you get mastery experience from the gilded vulpas? I leveled my gilded sly and got nothing. I'm holding out on the other ones until some fixes roll in...

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