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Hey guys, just an update on my experience and knowledge on deimos:

1) Fass is hard mode, enemies are tougher and necramechs are autonomous.
    Vome is easy mode, enemies are easy and necramechs spawns as pilot-able wreckage.
2) pilot-able necranechs wreckage can be purposefully destroyed to gain its parts (all 4 of the rare damaged parts can drop, confirmed)
  • necramech parts for your own mech can also be farmed from the ISO vault runs (upscaling ISO increase your chances of getting more parts and if completed within a world cycle increases rarity of drops)

3) Vome affects tranq animal spawning more often in the wild

4) Fass spawns the velocipods (green + whites) more often it would seen 

BEST FRAMES FOR NECRAMECHS [as far as i know]:
1. Nova (priming)
2. Banshee (sonar)
3. Frost (bubble)
4. Wisp (speed mote (soma+speed mote is crazy efficient)

2: First ISO scale
3A - 3B(underneath cave section): possible spots where to find the second ISO scale.

feel free to add on 
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On 2020-08-27 at 4:18 AM, CrimeHole said:
Hey guys, just an update on my experience and knowledge on deimos:
2) pilot-able necranechs wreckage can be purposefully destroyed to gain its parts (all 4 of the rare damaged parts can drop, confirmed)
  • necramech parts for your own mech can also be farmed from the ISO vault runs (upscaling ISO increase your chances of getting more parts and if completed within a world cycle increases rarity of drops)
Not anymore. From the .4 patch notes.
layer-usable Necramechs that you can Transference into on the Cambion Drift no longer drop rewards. 
  • Transferring into a Necramech and then standing around waiting for it to die to drop rewards is far from the intentions of the Necramech system. We understand this is a frustrating oversight. Additionally, this was often bugged that only 1 person got the drop at all. Enemy Necramechs in the Isolation Vaults will still drop rewards, and now they’ll drop more of them (Scintillant). 


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On 2020-08-27 at 5:02 AM, McCIoud said:

Best frame for necramechs, Gara

They doing too much damage? Gara

They take not enough damage? Gara

Defense target taking damage? G A R A

Wow - what will I ever do? I KNEW I never should have tossed her aside like wilted lettuce so many years ago...

So... what's it like playing Gara, when Nora pops up with one of her "Hold Up! Picking up Glass..." - did you ever explain to her that it was you?

All kidding aside, I can see how she might be good here - Cheers!

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