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Naramon focus breaks crits and balance


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Naramon focus can break crits on melee weapon. It allow deal a lot of damage on every melee weapon. How it works(Sory for my bad eng):
We need for this: 1)be a client (host can't use this bug);2) naramon focus way with ability "Void stalker"; 3) Melee weapon with installed "Blood rush"; 4) Some combo counter (Or u can use "Corrupt charge"

What we need to do:

1) Go on mission for client

2) Earn some combo counter for blood rush( Or use "corrupt charge")

3) Use operator form and go to void mede and wait for expiration your cobmo counter(U can speed up this, by reducing combo duration)

4) If you attack now, u can see red crits ( Even if the crit chance is not more than 200)

5) if you repeat actions from 2 to 3, yours melee damage will increased. Your crits will be allways red (Even you use mk1-bo)

6) If you repeat this a lot of time, your damage become blue( even enemies have not shields) and will be equal -2147483648 and one-shot kill everything every lvl.

This bug makes melee weapon op and breaks the balance.jtQS6ifqjuQ.jpg


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