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Scintillant farming is insane


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The revelation of finally knowing that they spawn in the isolation vaults doesn't help this either. I've been farming it for hours now and no Scintillant drop, nowhere. It's insanely rare as bounty drops as well... 

I know that we only need 12 to craft everything (17 with an additional Xaku for Helminth), but it doesn't make the situation easier, because the game just doesn't give us Scintillants at all. I would be fine with having even 2x or 3x for build requirments with fix drops or spawns, so that I know that I can actually get them, but now it just makes my eyes roll after hours of grinding for literally nothing.

Just think about it like this: If I want Scintillant, then I'm gonna do the bounties and the vaults exclusively just because these 2 things can give me Scintillant. I won't go anywhere else on the map, I won't farm for tokens (because I actually reached daily limit and I already have everything for the next rank up ready), I want that last Xaku part and I can't get anything out of this grind.

This is insane, this is just insane, and it's even worse than Cetus Wisps, because flying around on POE actually gives you atleast 2-3 even if you're unlucky with them, because we actually need them for a lot of things, but with these things we don't even get them to spawn in vaults most of the time. I'm gonna run vaults only for them now, but I think I'm gonna call an ambulance after I got even one of them... I'm gonna need a therapist to explain to me why am I still grinding for these.

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1 minute ago, pizzaboard said:

ive been farming necromech damaged parts only 1 after 6 hours and what makes me sad it did not get the drop but all my friends did such making me rage quit 

Sad grinding noises 😞 


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It's like cetus wisps tuned to 11 lost count of how many vaults and t1/2 bounties I've done and I've gotten 1, it just horrible to even try and farm them defiantly had no one play test this economy before release between scintillant and the family token trade the costs its just nightmarish most that i play with have quit trying now cant say i even want to touch this again even if its sorted.

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2 hours ago, KrazyKavatLady said:

Did everyone forget that the Scintillant is basically the Deimos version of the PoE Wisp? It's supposed to be rare and hard to get.

"It's supposed to be badly designed." is not really a compelling argument. Especially since Cetus Wisps were SO bad that DE had to add a deterministic fallback to them, which then had to be revised multiple times. And that's ignoring the fact that Scintillant is significantly worse than either Cetus Wisps or Vallis Toroids. Both of those you can reliably earn at a rate of 1 per 15-20 minutes. I've been running Deimos Iso Vaults for hours now, and not seen a single one. There's grind, and then there's a farce.

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15 minutes ago, Steel_Rook said:

"It's supposed to be badly designed."

Rare/Hard to get =/= badly designed.

If it makes you feel any better, DE has already confirmed they're going to make Scintillant's a bit easier to get, soon. It's still likely going to be a rare-er resource though. 

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3 hours ago, KrazyKavatLady said:

Did everyone forget that the Scintillant is basically the Deimos version of the PoE Wisp?

It's supposed to be rare and hard to get.

I can go out on the Plains right now and pretty much guaranteed come back with 2 wisps in less than 2 minutes.  I could run plains for wisps for an hour and get enough to do whatever I need, and have left overs.  I have dozens and I've only ever actively farmed them a handful of times. 

I've been on the Drift for hours, running vaults, doing the bounties that specifically drop them, playing all the content as intended, progressing at the glacial pace they expect us to progress, and I have ZERO Scintillants.  This isn't defensible.  They're not going to give you a cookie for blindly defending every bad decision they make.

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1 minute ago, Hardwood said:

Comparing them to wisps is disingenuous.

If you know the wisp spawn locations you can collect 5-7 in a few minutes. You can easily get every wisp you need in one night of farming.

And even with that I'd say Wisps are a resource that should be nuked from the game with extreme prejudice, because of how tedious they are to collect and are nothing but padding to annoy players.

It says something that Scintillants are like the worst possible iteration of Wisps imaginable.

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Il y a 3 heures, KrazyKavatLady a dit :

Did everyone forget that the Scintillant is basically the Deimos version of the PoE Wisp?

It's supposed to be rare and hard to get.

I can farm cetus wisp easy with a good archwing and detection range.
It's fairly doable even if it's rare. Scintillant need a fix. That's all.
Father ask too many of them for token, and I dont talk about craft that need it.
Since update and hours on isolation bounty, got nothing.

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3 hours ago, KrazyKavatLady said:

If it makes you feel any better, DE has already confirmed they're going to make Scintillant's a bit easier to get, soon. It's still likely going to be a rare-er resource though. 

I don't mind "rare resource," in this upside-down world where we get to pick our own pain. I don't like Cetus Wisps or Toroids, but at least those felt doable. I've STILL never seen a Scintillant, not a single one. Making them more common would be a good thing.

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Even after the patch my friends and I have still not seen one in any of the Isolation Vaults. The very few I have now came from the added drop from the mechs plus a resource booster. I don't know if they have still not actually been there in any of our runs or if all of us are still just plain over looking them and not hearing anything due to all the infested noise.

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