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What would be some fair alternatives to Deimos conservation?


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No, I'm not going to suck it up and grind through minigames I find tedious and insulting, my bar for gaming is not set that low.

I still love WF and want the Deimos progression to be something I enjoy. I'm fine putting in the "work" as long as that work is core WF combat. Someone in another thread suggested a rescue mission where you kill poachers, that would be great! I've suggested adding tag drops to the Vaults or the tougher Deimos mobs, or adding plat daily deals to Son exactly the same way they are already implemented on the fishing and mining NPCs, or some sort of premium resource exchange involving say Steel Essences or Mutagen Samples.

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Just move the Helminth component down a tier to rank 2 and make the specific tags more generic for the crafting of the segment.  Everyone would take that compromise.  Gives people back the ability to have fun with the stuff they were eager to play and also a reason to come back on THEIR schedule to do the rest.

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First: I hate conservation!
The thing is it could be done way better with more ways to capture them and increased number/hotspots to farm them.
If the system itself is fixed so it could be enjoyable I won't mind(for example I like fishing and to some extend mining even if they are not a core part of the game loop,  they are done fairly well/not annoying af).

And for alternative - some resource for exchange even if it's a lot will be a good alternative.

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At current the Requiem pillars are a method of farming general resources for Diemos. Basically it spawns a bunch of enemies on you and enemies in range of the pillar cause the pillar to poop out resources (including fishing/mining). So let's integrate conservation as well.


Suggestion: Activating a pillar causes Deimos wildlife to spawn and come towards the pillar in addition to Infested. You can either tranq conservation targets as they come towards they pillar or wait till they come in range where they will be instantly slept.


Not a band-aid, a gameplay integration that builds on integration that already exists.

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