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May be Valkyr need some rework


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I played on Valkyr long enough and I have some thoughts about her ability's.

In my opinion her 1 ability should be removed. And every frame should have ability use hook with Parazon (Just like in Jaсkal mission).
Her 3 ability can be replaced with 1. And 3 ability will be something new. For example: ability to attract attention of all enemy's in the area. Attracted enemy's can attack only Valkyr some time and ignore others frames/sentinels/cavats etc.  

Also I think that augment "Hysterical Assault" should be included in Valkyrs ult.  Status chance her Talons should be increased on 10-15% (to 20-25% status chance). 

What do you think about it?  

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I agree that she needs a rework, I have come up with a rework of my own for her, tell me what you think.


1st ability REWORK: Valkyr pounces on enemies dealing damage with her claws, having a chance to open them up to finishers.

·       The claws deal 700 true damage.

·       The claws use the cast combo window. (the more you use it the less energy it takes and the more damage it does)

·       You have to target an enemy to cast the ability.

·       Can be used in the air and on the move.

·       Holding the ability will launch you in the air.

·       Enemies will be dismembered when killed.

·       There is a 30% chance to open enemies up for finishers, when this happens enemies will stagger.

·       She has two new animations when preforming finishers;

Front - left claw stab, right claw stab then both claws put apart from enemy.

Back - jumps on enemies back and does 3 stabs in the neck. If you press the jump button after, she will vault of enemy.

·       These finisher animations will be fast.

·       Visually the claws temporarily appear when the ability is cast.

·       (Synergy) 2nd ability can increase its cast speed by 30%.

·       (Synergy) 4th ability can increase its damage by 40%.


2nd ability:

·       Can be used while on the move.

·       This will show a visible ring to show the range of the ability.

·       This will be a mobile ability instead of the effect being stationary.


3rd ability:

·       Shields will stun them and strip enemies defence by 20% while having no shields will do a small ragdoll receiving a damage output decrease by 30% and deal damage to them.

·        (Synergy) Activated while using the 4th ability will increase its damage.



4th ability:

·       Valkyr starts off with 100% damage reduction (replacing invulnerability) but it will start to decay overtime down to 30%, however she will gain all mobility speed bonus. She can increase her DR back by killing enemies though it will decrease her mobility speed. If DR reaches to 30%, Valkyr will gain 70% mobility speed.

·       Remove increased energy drain over time.

·       Give her a new stance where it`s only her claws are being used.

·       Remove energy colour affecting vision colour.

·       She has a new charge attack animation where Valkyr has her arm out in a V shape and then both claws slashing the enemy in front of her causing a knockdown and a slash proc.

·       (Synergy) Using the 1st ability will cost half the energy.


Fix: Energy claws are not visible in animation on Valkyr prime.

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The fact that Valkyr's 1 ability still hasn't been reworked can clue you in on how much other stuff there is to fix in the game.

The game is currently unmanageable with all of its millions of weapons that need to be tweaked,  its metric ton of Warframes that need to be nerfed or buffed or reworked. All of the unnecesarry stuff that no one really cares about (like Archwing missions and the whole spaceship stuff) that needs to be updated and managed.

The list goes on forever, the game is just too bloated with stuff for the devs to be able to manage it all. 

The solution? Either remove a bunch of stuff from the game and slow down the rate at which you release new S#&$ so you can tweak the old stuff.

Oooor just make a new game entirely and star anew, but this time think long-term. 

I'd be fine with Warframe 2 

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