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Upload Data with Latrox Une



Has anyone figured out how to "upload data", during the last part of the bounty with Latrox Une? I can't figure out how to upload 100% of the data. It seems to work better when I'm close to him, but I always end up failing that bonus objective.

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So I saw some new UI parts when I was host.

First there is a prompt to give him data you collected so guessing everyone has to give what they have for the full amount. 

Second there is a timer that is just counting down and when it hits 0 that part ends.


So I'm pretty sure it just requires everyone to be able to give him the data you pick up and then defend him until the timer finishes. 

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I think there may be an issue with this one. Every time we go to defend, he never is able to get the full upload. Given less than 60 seconds and in those seconds he only manages 19 to 20. We fail the bonus every time. I've tried Slowva. I've tried Limbo. I've tried Gara. I just... am at a loss of what to do here. 

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Yes, you can get Latrox Une to upload ALL of the data with a full team.

Here's the trick:

During collection phase, let him get hurt. The lower his health, the faster he uploads.

During upload phase, make sure he his shields never go down. As long as his shields are full, he call upload all 25 bits of data in 30 sec.



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