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Hydroid deluxe is absolutely top notch!


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It is so freaking badass, they made a really cool skin 🙂

the thing i like the most about it s that it's really easy to color it, unlike Excalibur's Zato

and the coat, oh my god the coat makes everyrhing so much better

Hydroid is one of my least played and least favourite warframes, but this skin most definitely made me want to play him

if only he got a rework to his undertow so it's not completely boring

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His Undertow used to not be boring as you could cancel Tidal Surge with it, allowing you to zip around the map scooping up enemies then Undertow to drop in place, dodge roll out of that, and turn around to obliterate them with the unaware/sneak attack melee bonus. Bonus points if you used that to drag them into Tempest Barrage to keep them in place and corrode them.

You can still use Undertow from midair to flatten a group of enemies when you arrive while closing in on them while you're invincible.

The main thing I'd like to see about Undertow change is the targeting for the tentacles. Namely, instead of clicking each enemy, it'd be much better if you could just hold left click and it'd grab each enemy you swept your crosshair over.

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It's frickin rad.


25 minutes ago, (PS4)Hopper_Orouk said:

it's really easy to color it, unlike Excalibur's Zato

I feel this deep within my soul. Between the extra-crispy leather, and the body and clothes on the same color chanel, the skin's a mess.

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