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Scintillant is non-existent


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"Just look in the isolation vaults"

-No guaranteed spawns

"Its flying around" 

-Doesnt show up on loot radar or minimap

"Its a rare bounty reward!"

-One single piece, when it's required in every other father token bundle and nechramech construction


It's time to put this stuff in the uncommon rewards for high level bounties. It straight up does not exist, and is cetus wisp farming 2.0: needed for important things, scarcely available, if at all period.

DE has learned NOTHING from the past two open worlds.


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Its said to be common in 2nd bounty 

but im almost certain they fked up the % and its got same chance to drop as legendary core xd

I got few from bounties but after that nothing for like 5h 

Giving up until they fix it, theres plenty of other crap to grind which at least drops lol

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I saw a thread on Reddit quoting a DE dev that said they have run the stats on this and it is not showing up enough, so they are adjusting its availability to make it easier to obtain.  Will probably be in the next PC hotfix, but who knows how long it takes to get to console.  I couldn't find the message on the forums, but it is probably buried in one of the announcement threads.

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