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Deimos: Enemy blend in with the terrrain too much.



Anybody else having trouble actually seeing the Infested in the Cambion Drift.  I mean I know this is their natural habitat, but the coloration on everything makes it hard to see what's a animal, a mineral, or a vegetable here.  I'm shooting at  everything that moves.  I nervously pop off at the floating fish, and slash at plants.When I do the Grineer contest (see who kills the most infested) I have to use a Specter because I keep shooting at the wrong things.  I like that they fixed the mining spots to have a light rectangle around them so you can see them. Can they do something like that with the Infested.

Also, I wish they'd stop with doing animations on the loading screens. That just takes up more time to get past the screens.

This would have been a nice game to release on Halloween. Its got the  "Zombie Island of Dr. Ned" look to it.  It feels like Halloween when I play in it.



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I agree.

The color palate for Deimos is hard on my eyes after a very short time, and this is compounded easily when I'm actively looking for a specific mob. I don't see how they'd be able to fix it, but I can guarantee that when I've unlocked the ability to subsume warframes, I'll do my best to never come back to the content just to reduce eye strain.

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This would be better suited for the Heart of Deimos Mega-feedback thread in the Feedback forum.

I feel mixed about this.  On the one hand, it makes sense that the Infested would blend into the world, because they're really the same stuff, right?  But also, from a gameplay perspective, I 100% agree with you; it is very difficult for my eyes to pick out what is an enemy and what is landscape because the colors blend together.  Often all I can tell is that something is moving towards me.  I think it could use a change, but I don't know what.

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I'm loving the new landscape, yep I'm the same if it moves it dies. Though Octavia doesn't care she kills what needs to be killed. 🙂 

Regarding just burn everything, when I'm farming or just want to blow things up in the general landscape I use an archwing (Elytron 4th skill) with the nuke, shoot it down to the ground watch it all blow up then pick up the bits that glow.

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