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Buff physical damage mods?


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Unless I'm missing something, there's basically never a reason to apply them; the damage bonus is eclipsed by any elemental damage bonus due to how it works. (I've read it as elemental is a bonus to the three physicals damages tallied up, while physical boosts that specific damage).

Upshot is, unless it's something that heavily stacks one specific physical damage (such as bo) the physical damage mods seem pointless; I tested with a bo prime, and a 90% blunt damage mod managed to barely beat out a 60% damage elemental mod. I'm not saying they should be better than elemental, it would be nice if they at least matched?

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I agree they should be buffed.

If a weapon is at least 75% of a specific physical type, the 120% physical mods* meet or beat the 90% elemental mods.  The Tigris Prime, for example, gets more out of 'em. Still, aside from pushing a weapon to proc Slash more often, I've never used them, just because the damage multipliers are higher on elements.

If you changed the 120% to 60/60 IPS/status, that would probably pentuple the number of weapons I use them for.


*Eidolons drop these, so I assume they're cheap. I've never been a serious runner, but I have like 20 of each. I'd trade for a red Ayatan if anyone asked.

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The real issue is that IPS (physical) damage is treated as early game damage types with inferior bonuses compared to combined elementals without the typical neutral advantage one would expect in other games.

Impact is just inferior Magnetic that dilutes your proc pool.

Puncture is just inferior Corrosive that dilutes your proc pool. Also, armor class modifiers double dip, so Corrosive is in fact twice as effective as Puncture against Ferrite at Sortie level.

In sorties, against a Level 100 Heavy Gunner with ~6000 ferrite armor, which is 95% Damage Reduction.

  • 100 Neutral will deal 5.
  • 100 Impact will deal 3.75.
  • 100 Puncture will deal 13.5.
  • 100 Slash will deal 5.
  • 100 Viral will deal 8.75.
  • 100 Corrosive will deal 29.
  • 100 Base damage, Bleed ticks for 35 each.

Slash would be an inferior Viral, but due to it's armor ignoring proc (Bleed), Viral is in fact subservient to Slash.

DE could do another status pass on the IPS or at the very least, buff the bonuses on Impact and Puncture. Maybe even change up the damage reduction formula so Puncture can compete with Status Slash against armor because the flat +50%/+15% (damage boost and armor ignore) falls off pretty quickly. Have armor ignore scale with Puncture damage and let your other damage types piggy back off of that so there is a reason to run something other than Viral as well as a reason to run BFGs/Bows/etc that can't apply status fast enough.

Damage Reduction = Net Armor / (Net Armor +300)


Damage Reduction = Net Armor / (Net Armor + 300 + *Base Puncture of Weapon)



DE seems to have tried to address this disparity by giving equivocal IPS mods bigger bonuses along with set bonus effects. 





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