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Helminth need few fix


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HI, I unlocked Helminth just recently. And already got some minor problem with it.


First to understand the context. Here is a screenshot with all my config renamed ( DPS b, DPS s, DPS g, Big range, Normal Size, Small range )


However once we get to the helminth UI here what we get :
Config ( A, B, C, D, E, F )

It's soon get quite inconvenient to manage it. Cause I lost track of what is what.



So I though so deal around it and simply go case to case. But another problem shown up.

As you can see, I infused "Empower" ability in my configuration A. However there is no way I can re-add this ability on other config than "A" if not remove the ability to re-apply after on all ability needed.
In short I'm doing many extra step for the same result when that could be way simpler.


Fortunately we can add other ability over other config if not already used.


That was it, Just few UI problem that could be improve for better managing.

Apart from that I'm very excited about this update and hope everyone will enjoy

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Oh that is what I did put Empower on Mesa 🙂

I dunno did I uderstand u, but u can add more than one infusion on configuration simply add ✔️ on the right.


Or maybe if u infuse in more that one config it will say infused in A,B,D for example.

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1 hour ago, Histori said:

Oh that is what I did put Empower on Mesa 🙂

I dunno did I uderstand u, but u can add more than one infusion on configuration simply add ✔️ on the right.


Or maybe if u infuse in more that one config it will say infused in A,B,D for example.

I know this helmet put to confusion, but this is Limbo 😛

I don't see any add on the right if I already infused an ability.
I infused Empower on 1st config, and can't see any add if I would like to re-add Empower on a 2nd config. I would have to remove the ability on all config first before being able to add Empower to multiple config at the same time.

It no real big deal as we can work around, but it would be nice if it was little easier

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