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Please tone down the Necramech boss's slow


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As a solo player, the AOE slow that the Necramech bosses do during their fight has WAAY too large of an area for the size of the VFX provided: the effect will cover a small portion of a corner while the slow covers so many more times that! With the slow being so massive and the boss's tendency to knock you down, I've found myself either spending more time lying on the floor than shooting the mechs, or dying to the mines because I'm moving too slow to get out of the way. This is made even worse when having to fight 2 at once and even more so when trying to fight 3 at once.

Please tone it down a bit.

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You're telling the truth ... it's just currently one of the worst boss fight mechanic across the whole game. As a difficulty one, it's just completely stupid, you are SLOWER than a cold proc freeze status ! That's not fun, you are just killed if you have a necramech aginst you at this moment. As long as you don't play a warframe that can tank damage (and what damages necramech can do, if not OS you with a spell cast) you can't do anything to avoid beeing shot but pray RNGesus giving the necramech a stupid AI. You can't EVEN rely on spells like Rhino's Iron Skin or Revenant's Mesmer Skin since they nullify it !!
Now imagine being solo against 3 necramech having all their invincible armor cast, bullying you each one with their slow seffect nullifying your spells ! .... Just too stupid !
That's not the only mob that prevent you from using your spell in the game, but HELL PLEASE : tell me how I can fight if I can't rely neither on my dodge skill or my operator mode otherwise ?????!

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