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I played atlas again and remembers by he is a b tier warframe his rubble isn’t that good and abilities besides landslide is good. Should change tectonics to a wall around and area like the wall of China or have wall of rumblers blocking them out, the petrify just needs to cost less or if you have rubble on you can make cost zero so you can spam landslide which devs made sure you would use a lot. And rumblers just little bit more damage since the minion spawning or minion turning abilities aren’t that to great. Make them hit harder or give them a passive like depending on energy color like chroma they do a specific status effect and the rubbles make them not degrade over time or at least not that quickly or just make them disappear due to using them for petrify like I stated before or when but they get destroyed and the more ability strength you have the less rubble you lose. Something I love atlas but he needs just a few extra buffs to help him reach my other tank boy inaros 

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