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Stuck in End Mission Screen


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At Hydron Sedna 🙂 will send the EE.log. thing as well.
Here's a timeline of what happened:
- joins public squad
- host disconnects from squad at wave 3/4 (i dont remember which)
- squad ends up in wave 5

- mission ends and 3 of us are stuck in the end screen while the mission continues on

- 4th member joins squad

- I die and start auto spectating the 4th member

- 4th member ends mission and the voting screen is on screen, we all vote to leave (i started the video recording here)

- now all 4 are stuck in the end mission screen while enemies continue to spawn
- in the video you can read the chat, where the 4th member said that when they spawned in, the defense target was already dead, and all 8 waves spawned at once for them


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