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The Outdated Celestia Syandana needs changes


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(Reposting in the proper category this time)

The Celestia Syandana is one of those things in warframe that's got a neat mechanic that's extremely outdated. Being able to display the conclave challenges you've completed as tentacles on your syandana was really neat and unique when it came out, and as an avid conclave player a couple years back it was my pride an joy, but with the lackluster matchmaking paired with painfully low playrates, having to essentially "level up" your syandana (every single day I might add) to make it look cool just became such a chore, and am not sure if it's really reasonable anymore. It's one of my favorite cosmetics that I'm really proud of owning, but can't even really use it now. 

It would be nice to just have the Celestia Syandana's "mission progress" mechanic removed entirely and have it reverted to being a normal syandana, complete with the fancy energy tentacles. I feel like grinding conclave itself to obtain the syandana is a reasonable grind into itself to get, but making it daily is just too much right now. That's just my two cents, but I really wanna be able to use this thing again without having to grind a dead game mode every day to look cool. 

Curious if anyone else feels the same way.

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2 hours ago, lattal said:

Something should be done about it.

Totally agree but not because of the reasons stated. Wouldn't mind to see the requirements being toned down if DE at least was listening to the conclave subforums feedback and fixing its issues accordingly (reporting bugs and other gameplay related issues but never getting them fixed or at least a response achieves nothing but to frustrate players who do carr about it and send us away from a mode that's in need of a playerbase increase)

Fixing bugs, balancing the mode, advertising the pvp and adding some actually useful rewards and make it efficient at that in order to encourage people to play, and basically doing whatever it takes to make the mode take off would go a much longer way since people would have more chances to complete the tasks by casually playing in there, which is much better in the long term than taking away reasons to play it.

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On 2020-08-28 at 5:53 AM, Alazcat said:

Curious if anyone else feels the same way.

I'm a dedicated conclave player, I love the game mode and I think it's fantastic. I always have a blast playing it, and get cravings for it quite often. It's clear that DE's intention with the Syandana is that it's supposed to be for people who actually enjoy playing it regularly, not people who feel like it's "just another grind." From your post, it's clear that you fall into the second type of player here. You feel like you did your grind [as a punishment / suffering] and now you deserve the reward for that sacrifice.

However, I actually agree with you. In fact, I support DE giving away all the conclave items for free to all players. Currently, conclave is filled with the "grind mindset" players who are using every exploit known to man in order to grind conclave standing as fast as possible, while clearly not enjoying themselves. I'm not sure what drives people to grind things they dislike, it seems to me a very strange behavior. But, these players are making conclave close to unbearable for the people who actually like conclave, and it's driving so many of them away to other games.

So, I may not fully understand your reasoning for this, but I support it anyway. Good luck!

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As someone who keeps the syandana up constantly, I wouldn't mind the syandanas requirements being toned down slightly. Nothing causes me more anger than seeing the daily challenges be "Get x kills with powers" cause I hate using WF powers lmao.

But the Syandana was supposed to be a symbol of dedication to the mode, and I think it should stay that way. Assuming DE fixes the bugs that have been around and ruining conclave for like the past year. Nothing more infuriating than being in a lobby of Telos boltace and all the crap that comes with it.

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If it's any solace back when the partner program was a thing I at least brought this up because I, personally, love the Syandana, but despise the upkeep. I asked about making it so that there was a toggle or at least a Nightwave parallel, since they try to "avoid interfering with conclave player investment."

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