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Open World Invaders (like Glassed enemies) Please Stop


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Nothing kills the immersion quite like this. It's a buzzkill every single time it happens.

In a mission, I can do that, it's a constrained set of circumstances with incidence.

In open world though, it's honestly the worst design. Please make it stop.


Trying to enjoy Deimos for what it is and they just are nonstop with the glassed enemies. It was the same thing when I tried exploring Orb Vallis and having Zealots appear nonstop. It's not fun. It never will be. Seriously.

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I dont mind it every now and then but every time I go into the Cambion drift to do some hunting I get to hear Nora make everything twice as difficult as it was before....

my favourite so far is  a crystalised Juggernaut that I had already gotten down to less than 10% of its health. 


Its a fun variant when its unexpected and a "oh no! what terrible luck!" but currently its every single time and its a pain rather than an event.

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