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Is there even a point to make a Necramech?


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Is there a point to anything? If you don't wanna do it then dont. 

The people that actually still like the game and aren't bitter are just gonna have some fun with it. It also may have use later on down the line, you know....kinda like those people that complained about having to refarm frames they threw away..  

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1 hour ago, Sazero said:

I'd say Necramechs are like what Archwings were, when they were first released. Waaaaaay back before PoE ever existed.
"man what is the point of archwings, they're just a content island"
I'm calling it now. In 3 years time, Necramechs will be able to fly with Modular Archwings and wielding Arch Melee. And in a squad of 4, can combine into a larger mech so you can wrestle Eidolons.

I dislike pretty much everything about this update. But I'd pay good money if that was the case.

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It is 3K mastery for the mech and 3K mastery for the weapon that feels semi impossible getting without using market :D.

Alternatively, there are BIG chances that this system will be used for the future bosses in the area!

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1 hour ago, C-Core said:

Guarantee DE will make it so you need them for some future content, cause they'll realise no-one uses them. Other than that, no

If they do that, they better give us better drop-rates or allow us to BUY ONE FROM THE MARKET.

Can't do their trash content if no one can grind the parts.

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2 hours ago, KombachaJuice said:

Any thoughts from others?

I think you're neglecting to consider whether or not playing as a mech is fun. Does that even factor into your judgement, or is it all math and meta and optmization at this point?

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2 hours ago, Sazero said:

I'd say Necramechs are like what Archwings were, when they were first released. Waaaaaay back before PoE ever existed.
"man what is the point of archwings, they're just a content island"
I'm calling it now. In 3 years time, Necramechs will be able to fly with Modular Archwings and wielding Arch Melee. And in a squad of 4, can combine into a larger mech so you can wrestle Eidolons.

Go go power rangers!! 🎶🎶🎶

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2 hours ago, Sazero said:

I'd say Necramechs are like what Archwings were, when they were first released. Waaaaaay back before PoE ever existed.
"man what is the point of archwings, they're just a content island"
I'm calling it now. In 3 years time, Necramechs will be able to fly with Modular Archwings and wielding Arch Melee. And in a squad of 4, can combine into a larger mech so you can wrestle Eidolons.

That would be awesome if Necramechs ended up being the modular arcwing implementation

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