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Is there even a point to make a Necramech?


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9 minutes ago, Talinthis said:

pure luck

oh and also the exploit they fixed if you used that, a lot of people took advantage just like with the intrinsics

Oh please.. ofc luck. Well I wanted the mech so I farmed it like a madman for 10 hours. Everything have a price. You just want the easy way out for something you are not even sure you want. What a sad story... 

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Here's a question- what's something you can do with the mech and not with any frame?

Switch to it mid-mission.

Imagine you're doing a run with Loki or Saryn, or some other super-fragile frame and then you get to that one difficult part of the mission, or The Wolf shows up mid-mission and makes you regret everything. It's a massive boost to your mid-battle options.

The only other frame that is loosely comparable is Equinox, and that has both less options for switching, and frankly a much worse grind than this.


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40 minutes ago, Askell91 said:

Oh please.. ofc luck. Well I wanted the mech so I farmed it like a madman for 10 hours. Everything have a price. You just want the easy way out for something you are not even sure you want. What a sad story... 

defensive much? i would prefer you didnt try to stuff words in my mouth, i just stated a simple fact.

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3 hours ago, (XB1)ECCHO SIERRA said:

I dont see the point unless they do a "profit taker" and decide an enemy is only vulnerable to the mech because reasons. 

That's exactly what they will do. Their solution is to implement a way forcing players to do something rather than address why players weren't already doing it.

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5 hours ago, AltheusVI said:

Amusement? Remember when you did things for fun.

Well fun for me in Warframe = Figuring out frames and building / possibly minmaxing them for high level viability, which is actually the whole point of the right now broken progression system. 

What isn't fun for me: Having game mechanics completely unrelated to the game's core mechanics "just because" and then later on getting forced to use this mechanics for only 1 specific thing in the game = Nechramechs, Amps, Kuva liches. The only thing I'll do those is for Mastery Rank points and nothing else. Not fun, no reason behind playing it for me. Just MR for accomplishment.

You can't say something IS FUN, you can only say that it is fun FOR YOU, subjectively. I like to have fun ye, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna like dumb, pointless mechanics in the game just because they're something different or because it's a good one time thingy.

Everyone has their fun on their own way, but objectively speaking, these mechs could be fun if they weren't just a gimmick to draw in people or if they weren't here in warframe. They are all one bad design choice that's only purpose is to make people want to get them and have their first impressions. But it isn't a long lasting or game mechanic, which an MMO like warframe, or in fact any online game, should aim for. 

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7 hours ago, KombachaJuice said:

So aside from the damaged voidrig part drop rates being practically non-existent currently,

not to brag, but I legit got every part except the Engines tonight. after getting nothing every other vault run I've done, it felt pretty astonishing to get nearly a full Necramech in a couple of tri-vault runs. as for a point to making them, just for fun at the moment, but future content might ask us to use them for something important.

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6 hours ago, MouadSaqui said:

They said they gonna let the environment be the restriction of where you can go with it, I actually find it useful for Solo players

Wouldnt you be able to go operator and then teleport it to you?


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Il y a 14 heures, (PS4)ErydisTheLucario a dit :

Then they gotta make maps and doorways bigger for it to work like that. 

Yeah. They are many corner, doors and corridors that are way too small for them, so when they say any missions, i dont see how.

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19 hours ago, AltheusVI said:

Amusement? Remember when you did things for fun.

If you find deimos amusing, good for you. I think it's as bad as the other two. Remains to be seen how much DE wants to enforce players "enjoying" their S#&$ty additions if they decide to force it into quests that are outside the open world. But they can't be that stupid, right?

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3 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

*brings out the edge and paints it black and red*

Why build, when it will someday be destroyed?

Why cling to life, when death is inevitable?

Valid questions, but Warframe is not real life. You can't just project things from one topic to another to close an argument O.o I mean, you can, but it doesn't solve problem.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)Yggranya said:

If you find deimos amusing, good for you. I think it's as bad as the other two. Remains to be seen how much DE wants to enforce players "enjoying" their S#&$ty additions if they decide to force it into quests that are outside the open world. But they can't be that stupid, right?

I think it's worse actually, improved a bit since DE reduced the prices to advance but making the mini games compulsary (I fecking hate conservation) wasn't clever.

The reason I want to build a mech is to go stompy stompy blasty blasty, however, based on what we've seen on Deimos it may well become a requirement for something else later on.

I miss old warframe where we could dip in and out as we saw fit and still get everything.

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