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Tokens for standing is the best system yet


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  1. You don't have a daily limit on tokens
  2. You can store as many tokens you want
  3. Mother bounties give plenty of tokens 

Essentially, with this system you can play as much as you want and still reap the rewards. Another day comes, you can max standing immediately with stored tokens. Grind is reduced by the bounties rewarding a generous amount.

Thanks, DE.

Thank God GIF by Originals

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21 minutes ago, Enialyx said:
  1. You don't have a daily limit on tokens
  2. You can store as many tokens you want
  3. Mother bounties give plenty of tokens 

Essentially, with this system you can play as much as you want and still reap the rewards. Another day comes, you can max standing immediately with stored tokens. Grind is reduced by the bounties rewarding a generous amount.

Thanks, DE.

Thank God GIF by Originals

or you had options like in fortuna and PoE standing cap was less than 20min of conservation. this token system is trash. currency needs currency. go get some grandmother tokens. you need 20 per each equipment that needs seriglass.

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24 minutes ago, Enialyx said:
  • You don't have a daily limit on tokens
  • You can store as many tokens you want
  • Mother bounties give plenty of tokens 

I don't know that the tradeoff was worth it. Yes, you can level up pretty quickly using Bounties. I levelled up most of Fortuna doing Conservation, however. A Kubrodon was 2K-8K each. With a bit of Pheromone, I could cap myself within 15-20 minutes for the day and then go do other, more fun stuff. Here... Well, bounties are the only thing that gives decent standing. Fishing, mining and Conservation are just a chore. Their return on investment is paltry, but I still need to do them because various items and level-ups require random resources.

The IDEA of tokens is not terrible, I'll grant you. The implementation of them in the Heart of Deimos is abominable. I guess I should stop underestimating DE's ability to take even good ideas and implement them worse than I could have thought possible.

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I would be okay if it was just one set of tokens that acted as currency across all the npcs. But having about 7 different tokens just for the same factions standing is ludicrous. Why are they even needed? They just clutter up what should be a good system and make it a poor one

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