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Trade bans for endurance running

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The trade ban system for endurance running needs to be seriously addressed, as someone that's done endurance runs for a very long time  it's getting beyond the joke to constantly hear about players being trade banned. People like to push their builds to the complete limits and to be trade banned  for doing  so is quite honestly the most disheartening thing, before the rework to status effects and enemy hp  endurance running was still extremely easy but now? its a complete joke so more and more people are opting to do endurance runs. Please, fix the automatic trade  ban bot so the endurance run community doesn't have to live in fear of being banned  for doing absolutely nothing wrong.

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It is pretty unfortunate, I too like to run survival upwards of 4-6 hours to test out my builds (since simulacrum still has a enemy level cap for some reason)


I've learned that if finish/quit the mission short of the 3 hour mark you most likely won't get trade banned. If you go over you need to Alt-f4 the game or it will flag your rewards.

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3 minutes ago, Yagamilight123 said:

With the existance of Steel Path using the argument of "push their build limits" its pretty stupid .... just dont do 3 hours runs and problem solve .

Explain why we shouldn't? Why should we be punished for playing in a way that we want  to? I want to genuinely see you justify why we shouldn't that doesn't result in you white knighting for DE


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When I first heard about the trade bans (When Steel path came out), I was honestly just dumbfounded. DE just like telling people how they should and shouldn't play, but I don't get what's so bad about endurance runs. I personally don't do them, but I don't see why people should be punished for doing them.. It's kinda dumb

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17 minutes ago, Yagamilight123 said:

With the existance of Steel Path using the argument of "push their build limits" its pretty stupid .... just dont do 3 hours runs and problem solve .

Steel path doesn't push any limits lol. I can stomp on steel path with little difficulty. I like fighting enemies when they are 2000+... I had a blast when we had the level 9999+ Halloween alert a few years back.


Why are you going through the trouble of insulting 3 hour+ runs? You don't enjoy them, fine, but why bash on other people enjoying it?

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hace 25 minutos, Lion dijo:

Steel path doesn't push any limits lol. I can stomp on steel path with little difficulty. I like fighting enemies when they are 2000+... I had a blast when we had the level 9999+ Halloween alert a few years back.


Why are you going through the trouble of insulting 3 hour+ runs? You don't enjoy them, fine, but why bash on other people enjoying it?

Nothing in this game "push" anything ... the game its easy no matter what .... but you are not gonna "push" the build more in a 10 hours run that you do in a 1 or 2 hours run on steelpath . At some point the level means nothing for the right build .

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2 hours ago, Yagamilight123 said:

With the existance of Steel Path using the argument of "push their build limits" its pretty stupid .... just dont do 3 hours runs and problem solve .

The just don't run more than 3 hours is a terrible argument. Why make excuses for a terrible system that DE refuses to address?

Some people enjoy running endurance. Some people enjoy farming prime parts and speed running low lvl fissures. If people were getting trade banned for finishing mission in less than a minute there would be a mass outcry because more people would be effected by it. Since the majority of the player base isn't running 3h+ missions most people don't even know that trade bans exist for running endurance. Many people that do know about it don't care because they aren't affected by it. Making excuses for DE and telling people to not play the game the way they enjoy it is just low though. 

There is a problem with their system that auto flags accounts that pick up too many items in a single mission. It makes no sense because your trading privileges are revoked if you gather too many untradable resources. 

I'm currently in a steel path Mot survival. I've been in game for 8h. About 5h30m of that was actual mission time. I run solo a lot because I have 3 kids and I can't dedicate uninterrupted time to group play. I can play for about half an hour to an hour at a time and then i have to go do stuff around the house. I can just keep a run up on pause for the day and come back to the point I was at throughout the day. It works for me and I enjoy it.

I didn't plan on running the same mission for 8h it just kinda happened. I was testing a build with Helminth a ability and it worked better than I thought it would. Now here I am one shotting rooms of lvl 6k+ enemies on Ash. I know I'm getting a trade ban for this but my curiosity got the best of me this time. Why should I be punished for testing a new system that was released less than a week ago?

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