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Heavy attacking with Quassus causes the weapon to be sheathed


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I have used the Quassus heavy fan with both Wisp and Mirage. When using heavy attack multiple times in a row, my frame will eventually sheathe the weapon, moving about with no weapon in hand. Heavy attacking will do nothing, as there is no weapon in hand. Melee attacking will cause the frame to pull out the melee weapon and attack with it before sheathing it once more. Trying to aim with a gun causes the screen to focus in, but no weapon is pulled out. 

Swapping weapons to the melee weapon during this time caused an inability to switch to using guns at all.

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This has also happened to me several times now. I was wielding quassus as my only weapon at the time, and found myself unable to make heavy attacks.

Another time Quassus locked into repeatedly making the last attack that I made (without controller or keyboard input). I took a video of repeated untriggered slam attacks.

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