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Gasha, the shield generator (v1.5)


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The shield to your sword.


Gasha is a shield based support.


Gasha is the translation of the word shield in Amharic, the Ethiopian language.

I renamed my account after making the original concept so this frame is not named after me, it's actually the other way around... I'm not an egomaniac 🙃

Gasha was updated to comply with Shield Gating interactions and to overall create some balance in his kit.



Muriel from Paragon.



Gasha would look similar to Muriel in aesthetic and retain the wings with the additions found below.

Gasha would have male features as opposed to the female features of Muriel.

Mechanical aesthetic. Futuristic. Simple. Bulkier then Muriel but not by much.

Two spheres inside Gasha's left forearm which disappear when a Static Trap, his first ability, is used. Static Trap has a max of two traps hence only two in his forearm. This creates asymmetry in the frame design. 

An orb of energy found in his chest that is released when Generator, his fourth ability, is used. This would be placed in the centre of his upper chest or slightly off-centre to the left signifying the heart of the frame.

Wings would charge up arching electricity between the two of them before emitting a pulse when Recycled Kinetics is used.


Base Statistics

Health - 50 (150 at max rank)

Shield - 200 (600 at max rank)

Armour - 325

Energy - 100 (150 at max rank)

Sprint - 1.00

Gender - Male



Renewable Energy

  • Collecting a health orb pickup reduces Gasha's shield recharge delay by 50%. This effect does not stack but will combine with Recycled Kinetics' 25%.
  • Collecting an energy orb pickup increases his sprint speed by 50% for 3 seconds. This effect does not stack but can refresh.
  • If Gasha's shield is reduced to 0 he will gain an additional 25 energy.

Back up

Gasha's back up meter increases the duration and reduces the ability shield cost of his abilities, both by 50%.

  • Back up meter is displayed in the lower-right on the HUD, above the ability icons.
    • Meter caps at 100%.
    • Enemies caught by Static Trap increase the Back Up meter by 0.5% per enemy per second.
    • Using an ability reduces the meter by 10%. This does not include alternate abilities such as Static Trap's duration refresh.
    • Generator will use 50% meter if Gasha receives lethal damage ignoring it and expiring the Generators effects.
    • Meter gain and cost are unmodifiable.



Ability shield costs cannot be reduced via efficiency mods.


If Gasha does not have enough of his shield to use an ability energy will be used costing half as much. Gasha cannot reduce his shield to 0 by using his abilities -- in other words shield requirements at base are actually 51 for each ability but will only cost 50 upon use.

e.g. Static Trap, his first ability, in different scenarios. All the numbers below are assuming no efficiency mods are in use but if they were only the base 25 energy would be affected.

Static Trap w/ his shield -- 25 [energy cost] = 25 energy

Static Trap w/o his shield -- 25 [energy cost] + (50 / 2 [shield cost]) = 50 energy

Static Trap w/o his shield w/ Generator active -- 25 [energy cost] + (50 / 2 [shield cost]) * 2 [Generator] = 75 energy

Static Trap w/o his shield w/ Generator active w/ max Back Up meter --  25 [energy cost] + (50 / 2 [shield cost]) * 2 [Generator] = 25 + (50 / 2 [Back Up]) = 50 energy

1. Static Trap - 25 energy + 50 shield

Tap Key

Gasha creates a sphere at the reticle location for a duration. Enemies inside the sphere are prevented from exiting but enemies outside the sphere can enter it. Damage exiting the sphere is greatly reduced.

Tap Key on a Trap

Resets the duration of the targeted trap costing 50 shield.

Hold Key on a Trap - no cost

Returns the targeted trap to Gasha along with all the enemies inside of it. These enemies lose a percentage of their current health, dealt as TrueDmg b True damage, a second for a short duration before being ejected back to the location they were taken from. The percentage damage cannot be increased by any means including buff abilities, power strength, viral procs, etc.

  • [Back up - Passive] The health taken while in Gasha's forearm is used to fuel the Back Up passive at a rate of 0.5% per enemy per second.
  • [Synergy w/ Accelerate] Shooting through a trap while Accelerate is active will stun all enemies within the trap for 0.5 seconds.
  • [Indefinite Enclosure - Augment] If 5 or more enemies are trapped within Static Trap recasting on the trap will reset the duration at no additional shield cost.


  • 20/30/40/50 % (reduction to enemy damage)


  • 25/35/45/55 m (cast range)


  • 6/8/10/12 s (duration of a trap)


  • 75% (reduction cap)
  • 5% current health (damage dealt to enemies)
  • 2.5/3/3.5/4 m (radius of a trap)
  • 5 s (Hold key duration)
  • 2 traps (max number allowed)
  • 5 enemies (minimum count for augment)


2. Accelerate - 50 energy + 50 shield

Gasha's orb goes into overdrive buffing all of his equipped weapons, this is represented by the glowing of the orb in his chest. All of the firearms in Gasha's arsenal have their ammo converted into rechargeable ammunition for a duration represented by the greying out of the max ammo count. For bows, arrows will materialize ready to be drawn reducing the reload time by a flat amount. There are additional benefits for different types of weaponry.

  • [Synergy w/ Generator] If Generator is active the benefits are granted to all Warframes within its radius at 50% effectiveness. Gasha will still receive full benefits while inside the Generator's range but this is cut in half while outside the radius.

Projectile Firearms

Projectile flight speed is increased.

  • [Terminal Velocity - Augment] Projectile firearms receive area of effect damage equal in radius to the distance traveled by the projectile divided by 15. The aoe damage dealt is 20% of the initial damage with half as much status chance.

Beam Firearms

Range is increased.

  • [Terminal Velocity - Augment] Ammo consumption is 50% more efficient while the beam is not hitting an enemy.

Hit-scan Firearms

Accuracy is increased.

  • [Terminal Velocity - Augment] Hit-scan firearms have a 80% chance of ricocheting to a random enemy within 10 meters of the initial target dealing 75% of the initial damage.

Melee Weapons

Combo count chance is increased.

  • [Terminal Velocity - Augment] Melee weapons receive a 50% increase to the Lifted b Lifted status duration.


  • 20/30/40/50 % (flight speed buff)
  • 10/15/20/25 % (beam range buff)
  • 15/20/30/40 % (accuracy buff)
  • 45/50/55/60 % (combo count chance buff)
  • 75% (hit-scan augment fraction of initial damage)


  • 10 m (hit-scan augment ricochet range)


  • 8/10/12/15 s (duration of ability)
  • 50% (melee augment increase to Lifted b Lifted status)


  • 50% (reload time reduction for bows)
  • 1/15 meters traveled (projectile augment aoe radius)
  • 20% (projectile augment fraction of initial damage)
  • 50% (projectile augment fraction of initial status chance)
  • 50% (beam augment ammo efficiency)
  • 80% (hit-scan augment ricochet chance)


3. Recycled Kinetics - 75 energy + 50 shield

Gasha's wings charge up before emitting a pulse that improves the shields of all nearby Warframes providing damage reduction. This lasts until their shield is taken down. These upgraded shields also convert a portion of the damage dealt to them into energy for the Warframe it is present on. Shield recharge delay is reduced by a flat amount while the ability is active.

  • [Synergy w/ Generator] Generator can regen into overshield while Recycled Kinetics is present on a Warframe. There is a mimiced cast radius originating from the Generator's orb location creating two large radii.
  • [Exhausted Filtration - Augment] Recycled Kinetics provides status immunity at the cost of 50% of the energy returned by a shield being damage. When a Warframe's shield is downed there is a 5 second delay before the benefits from Recycled Kinetics are seen.


  • 30/40/50/60 % (shield damage reduction)


  • 15/20/22/25 m (buff radius)


  • 90% (damage reduction cap)
  • 2 s (charge up time)
  • 10/15/20/25 % (damage to shield converted to energy)
  • 25% (shield recharge delay reduction)
  • 50% (augment reduction to energy gain)
  • 5 s (augment cooldown)


Charge up time can be reduced via cast speed mods (speed drift/natural talent)


4. Generator - 100 energy + 50 shield + 100% health (unmodifiable)

Tap Key

Gasha releases the orb that is stored in his chest which floats a few meters forward and stops in place remaining for a moderate duration. During this time all abilities cost 2x as much shield and by removing the orb Gasha loses all of his health, however, the remaining shield cannot be bypassed via status procs. If Gasha receives damage after shield gating he will die skipping the revive phase. The orb released from Gasha's chest generates shield for all Warframes so long as their shield is above 0. This is done by sapping some max shield and/or armour a second from surrounding enemies within a moderate range. Each enemy attached to the generator provides some shield per second so long as they posses either shield or armour. Warframes must remain within the orbs radius to receive the shield regen.

Hold Key - no cost

Returns the orb to Gasha's chest providing a full heal.

  • [Back Up - Passive] Sudden death can be ignored by using up 50% Back Up meter and will instead force the orb back to Gasha only healing 50% of the health used by the initial cast.
  • [Leak - Augment] Enemies are slowed by 10% at the edge of the Generator's range to 50% at the centre, these max at 25% and 75% respectively. +25% Generator Range.


  • 5% (shield/armour drain)
  • 4/5/6.5/8 shield/second (regen per enemy)
  • 10% | 50% (augment slow)


  • 8/10/12/15 m (orb radius)


  • 10/13/16/20 s (orb remains)


  • 2x (shield cost increase)
  • 25% | 75% (augment slow cap)
  • 25% (augment ability range increase)


Gasha v1.0 (previous version)

Loa, the Voodoo Puppeteer (previous concept)


Thanks for reading!

- Good Luck, Have Fun -

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