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Arcane Pistoleer


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Currently Pistoleer is bugged as it will trigger on any kill with a secondary not just a headshot. This is for the better as it allows many more types of secondaries to use Pistoleer to its fullest. If and when this gets fixed id love to see the arcane changed in one or 2 ways.

First idea at rank 5 : 40% chance for 102% ammo efficiency on any pistol kill. (Cant be refreshed)

Second idea at rank 5 : 20% chance for 102% ammo efficiency on any pistol kill. ( can be refreshed) 

Third idea at rank 5 : 90% chance for 102% ammo efficiency on pistol headshot kill. Also has a 30% chance on kill during active buff to give ammo to the player. (Cant be refreshed) 

My reasoning for this is that many pistols that can hit headshot kills very easily do not need any ammo efficiency. Meanwhile a guass with a twin grakata will burn ammo faster than you can get it back. Low firerate pistols have high accuracy while high firerate pistols tend to have sub par recoil and accuracy. Tl;dr Arcane Pistoleer is a great way to fix the ammo problems with many pistols. Currently the arcane leans twards the pistols that dont need said help.

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