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Red Deposits vs Blue Deposits Mining distribution issue


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Hello, so far, I'm enjoying the update, and I'm pretty excited in progressing my standings to unlock all the new stuff, particularly getting my necromech.

Anyways, I want to discuss what I think is an issue for us players as we are mining which is the disproportionate spawn rate between the blue deposits and red deposits according to their "rarity" and how much the crafting economy is in need of them respectively. I don't know why I haven't noticed before, but to put it simply, blue spawn rate is way too high, while red is too low, at least, in Orb Vallis. 

Perhaps I've just been unlucky lately, but I was doing multiple mining sessions in Orb Vallis, specifically looking for red deposits for travoride as they are required to make one of the new Adramal alloy that arrived with Deimos. But it feels like 8/10, I run into blue deposits resulting in my runs with almost an equal amount of gems and minerals in the end. That doesn't sound bad, except the current crafting economy needs way more minerals than it does with gems, especially with operator arcanes no longer having crafting requirements. For example, to craft Baruuk, you need 150 alloy and 10 gems. In one of my mining runs that I did for about 10-15 minutes, I ended up with 84 gems and 71 minerals (https://prnt.sc/u7ryoy). Now, this is probably one of the more unluckier runs, but my point still stands. While gems are also used to turn in for standings, we already have several other methods of getting those already (bounties, fishing, conservation, zaw/kitgun donation, etc). Furthermore, what's really strange is that red deposits also have a chance of obtaining gems on top of ores, while blue deposits only give out gems. Mind you, I don't hate the mining mechanic in this game, I think it's fine and it adds a bit of a break from the regular gameplay loop. Even Monster Hunter: World has a very similar mining system with their blue deposit vs red deposit, but what MHW does better is its proper distribution according to their crafting economy. Blue deposits are actually needed more, therefore, have more regular spawnplaces compared to the reds.

The solution is obvious, either increase the occurrence of red deposits dramatically while decreasing blue as red often reward gems anyways for those of us who mine accurately, OR you can keep it the way it is and just include alloy minerals in blue deposits as well, except the latter route would pretty much make red/blue deposits nearly indistinguishable in terms of drops.

Thanks for taking the time read this.

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I had the same problem in the Vallis, probably more than 75% of the mining nodes where gems and only about 25% of the ore nodes were actually travoride. I got a whopping 70 travoride WITH boosters!

I've not had issues on Deimos, gems are slightly less common than ore but that is to be expected I think, makes sense to me anyways. :)

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