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Fishing/Mining/Capturing in peace, Please.


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Every time i go to farm these resource (which i like to do) there is always some Infested/Corpus/Grineer trying to kill you, and they can't, so they shake you screen or get in font of you while you are mining or kill your fish/capturing target, and this is like really annoying  : D  You could say that i should use a invisible capable Warframe, but if you wanna do a bounty, but don't wanna use that Warframe you have to go back to Neckalisk switch Warframes, and go back to the Cambion drift at the very least you can have the bounty already selected when you go back if you don't forget it : / (pls remove emoji auto-completion also) this happens in every open world btw but in fortuna you get business talking in your hear about the animal that you didn't capture or saw while trying to hear where said animal is coming from to hide and you have to turn off trasmisions sounds while capturing in fortuna just so you can hear the animal so you can hide so it doesn't flee because it saw you and then a new quest releases just for you to have trasmisions sounds off and that is your day done : D

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7 minutes ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

How would they program to AI to not attack people though lol.


Good question

Idk they could not spawn if you hold one of the tools but that would be hotfixing hell or you could become "invisible" to the infested if you hold one of the tools maybe new tools ?

all i know is that i wanna peace

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)Madurai-Prime said:

How would they program to AI to not attack people though lol.


Well, when you go invisible, the game basically tags the player character as "non-targetable". You can tie that tag to a huge plethora of actions, from being in the air (as Wisp) to - in this case - equipping a fishing spear, tranq gun, or mining laser. The visual effect of being invisible is just that: visual.

So it should be pretty easy, all things considered.

There may need to be an additional tag to ensure this invisibility doesn't mess with conservation, but based on what I remember the Business saying, animals see (well, smell) through invisibility anyway.

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1 minute ago, Luciole77 said:

agree...sometimes its sux. the worst part is when is mining with kavat buff....shake the screen and we loose...


My advice...use hildryn with 2 activated....damage nearby enemies....

I do like hildryn that might be a fix for me

the screen shake can be disabled tho forgot to say that on the post

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Just now, (PS4)PoKerZ2017 said:

How about just making it so having the mining laser or fishing spear equipped reduces enemy aggro until you switch back to weapons. If there's a "balance" complaint I'd be fine with giving up our ability to cause damage to enemies in this state if they won't attack us either. 

I do like your idea right now the aggro range is really far like 50m or more if you had a tool equipped and the aggro was reduced to Melee range ~5m it would be awesome

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This is the whole problem with the mechanics they're trying to add to this kind of game. They don't work together and there is no level of challenge added by enemies being there, only chaos. The whole glassmaker thing makes it even worse and makes having a frame that goes invisible the most viable option so you can do things without that added annoyance.

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