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Scintillant ... :(


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15 minutes ago, DogsConkers said:

I've decided I'm fine with it. Sure it's rare (about 1 a day in casual play) but they need to make money somehow so if people are encouraged to buy the frame and weapon instead it's all good. I'll have them in a couple of weeks easy.

I’m sorry but no. Making the frame borderline unattainable just to push people to buy the frame and the weapon is the scummiest thing I’ve heard all week.

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I bought a drop chance booster and im using nekros.....it still isnt dropping from mechs.... and ive been doing t3 vaults for hours now as for them spawning in the vault areas themselfs....also not a single one Im truely starting to believe it does not exist, far as im concerned this is the single worst resource experiance ive ever had in warframe...and ive been playing a long time

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DE is now flat out lying about the bounty rewards. I've run ~4-5 hours of T1 and T2 bounties now. 1 Scintillant.

I ran the first 2 phases of tier 2 for the last hour (where it is a "Common" drop), skipping the longer tasks. ~10-12 runs with 80%+ being 2 phases. F-ing. Zero. If random game drops were regulated like slot machines in the US, they would be shut down.

It's obscene, dishonest, and insulting.

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After hours and hours of farming mechs and bounties, I've gotten 2.  2 total since the start of the update.  The only reason it's two is because of the absurd number of mechs I've been farming for the pod that won't drop finally dropped one scintillant instead and I have a doubler on.

So I've gotten one drop and I paid plat for one, basically.  Literally all of my playtime since the 25th has been on Deimos.  1 drop.  No pod.  This update is incredibly frustrating.  Screw this "we want it to be rare."  Why?  For what?  To drag this out with frustration by generating a purposeful lack of progress?  That's #*!%ing predatory.  I've put in hours and hours and I haven't gotten anywhere.  

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In the last 45 minutes I tried nothing but phase 1 and 2 of Tier 2 bounties. I aborted the longer ones. The last 2 runs I did all the way through.

In addition to the previous 4-5 hours of no Scintillant I got 0. Here is what I DID get:

Body count mod
Zenurik lens
Zenurik lens
600 Endo
600 Endo
600 Endo
600 Endo
Full run
   Naramon Lens
   Zenurik Lens
   Spring-Loaded Chamber mod/Xaku Neur (bonus)
Full run
   600 Endo
   600 Endo
   Pressurized Magazine mod/Pressurized Magazine mod (bonus)

There are 5 common rewards and let's ignore all the uncommon and rare ones (this favors DE) and the final bounty rewards for the last 2. We can treat this as rolling a 5-sided die 11 times.

The chance of NOT getting Scintillant is (4/5)^11, which is an 8.6% chance.

If we assume I was grossly overestimating my 4-5 hours, and it was just 2 hours, at that rate, that's ~29 rewards, which is a  0.15% chance of NOT getting Scintillant.

Likewise, the probability of getting 6/11 drops as 600 Endo is 11!/((11-6)!*6!)*(1/5)^6*(4/5)^5= 0.97%

Even more fun - The probability of getting the same reward 4 times in a row (in general) is (1/5)^4= 0.16%

And that's ignoring the fact that the probability of common drops is around 70-80% for bounties, so I'm heavily biasing it in DE's favor.

I'm pretty sure DE is converting Scintillant into Endo rewards to artificially boost play time. I wish I had a complete history of all drops I received from those bounties. I know I got 3 Nano-Applicator mods, which are the rare drops, and 4 Scintillant total since the update dropped (with unhealthy-high play time). It might be miscategorized as common when it should be rare, but supposedly they went over the drop problems recently.

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2 hours ago, UUDDLRLRBA_START said:

They should just put that crap in Nightwave. LOL

NO They should not.  Seeing as how NIghtwave is temporary and then the Frame would be unobtainalbe for the time periods between any new Nightwave series.  IF they discontue Nightwave then noboday can acquire the Frame until they migrate it to something else.

The ONLY tiem this tends to happen is witth PRIME FRAMES and equipment.  That is expected.  But to treat a baseline game acquisition as if it were a Prime component is asinine.  So when tehy goto release the Xaku Priem ina  few years how f*cking rare do you want them to make those parts?

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9 hours ago, DogsConkers said:

've decided I'm fine with it. Sure it's rare (about 1 a day in casual play) but they need to make money somehow so if people are encouraged to buy the frame and weapon instead it's all good. I'll have them in a couple of weeks easy.

Except - as I said in the other thread - it's not even remotely "1 in a day of casual play." I've been putting about 5-6 hours a day since Heart of Deimos came out and I've yet to see a single one. I'm hardly alone in this.

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Scintillant drops are truly disillusioning. I had a run on Friday where I did a dozen T2 bounties and got 3 drops from the first 5 bounties. And then nothing. Nothing before that. Nothing since. Today's Saturday, and I've played since this morning, eager to get into the new area and get some good loot and start building Xaku. I've done T3 vaults, and T1/T2 bounties almost exclusively and there's been zero Scintillant.

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The only scintillants I've gotten were drops from the mechs, twice (once in T2 vault and once in T1 vault, I think). Lucky for me I had charm buff active during one of those (with resource drop booster active), so I'm now at 6 scintillants in total. Haven't tried the T1/T2 bounties too many times, and never seen one of them spawn in the vaults.

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10 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

I’m sorry but no. Making the frame borderline unattainable just to push people to buy the frame and the weapon is the scummiest thing I’ve heard all week.

It's just rng.

Some players are lucky some are not.

I was lucky with Xaku and Scintillant. But the necromech parts I had to buy from others.

But be fair buying stuff is and always will be the easy way.

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I’ve gotten 2 from bounties shortly after Deimos release and have picked one additional one up floating in the vault. I get why they’re making it rare, but at the same time making people farm this much for something, at least in my eyes, sort of sours a generally enjoyable update. Especially when the RNG is so harsh. I think adding it into grandmothers oddities for maybe 30 tokens or something (I’d be fine for 50 at this point) would be a nice alternative for people having piss poor luck. 

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I've had no issues with getting them since the latest changes to their drop chance/locations, doing the whole T1-T3 vault run seems to be the easiest way to get them since it is fast and you have the chance to see them drop from all necras aswell as having a chance to spawn as lootable items.

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2 minutes ago, JackHargreav said:

I think this info just flies over most people's head.

This material having low dropchance is kinda fair when not many things need it.

Honestly from a certain perspective, I understand why people are complaining. First DE has a rather interesting definition of "common". Second the free floating variety is not as common as the wisp, it's just not. Personally I think it is broken and DE doesn't see it because they don't play the game. 

But if you actually play the game, you'll end up getting Scintillant. Not right away because RNG. But then if you have to have it given to you right away, right now, you can buy Xaku with platinum. 

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11 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

I’m sorry but no. Making the frame borderline unattainable just to push people to buy the frame and the weapon is the scummiest thing I’ve heard all week.

It isn’t. Although it rare to get it isn’t that hard if you just sit down and do some vault runs while seriously looking for it now. If you want to complain about thaumatica that’s totally fair

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11 hours ago, DogsConkers said:

I've decided I'm fine with it. Sure it's rare (about 1 a day in casual play) but they need to make money somehow so if people are encouraged to buy the frame and weapon instead it's all good. I'll have them in a couple of weeks easy.

Hey i got almost 20  and i don't know how trying just a mission, if you call me i will give that to you because i am not interest in this kind of game anymore.

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vor 30 Minuten schrieb JackHargreav:

I think this info just flies over most people's head.

This material having low dropchance is kinda fair when not many things need it.

I think thats a reasonable argument if there were 5-10 things needing 1-2 each. You would have an immediate reward accessible upon getting your hand on a very rare resource.

But since there are 2 things needing 5 it just makes these 2 things an extraordinarily long grind, especially when considering that neither Quassus nor Xaku are something deserving this kind of grind gating.

I find Xaku in particular to be a bit offensive. Grind out Bounties for the part blueprints, then mine the seemingly rarest "ore" on Deimos, then hop back to Fortuna for Heist Bounty rewards and dare you you don't have the plains gems at hand. And then you would probably think thats enough but you sit there staring at those 5 Scinitllants you probably didn't know that they even existed till that point.

For a communtiy created Warframe that is supposed to shape up a lot more based on community feedback in the coming weeks he is really awful to get hands on.

I got mine cooking but I also don't feel like ever looking for Scinitllant again for some random weapon as long as it is as elusive as it is.

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1 minute ago, Raikh said:

I got mine cooking but I also don't feel like ever looking for Scinitllant again for some random weapon as long as it is as elusive as it is.

I feel the same.

With the necramech I'm fine. Since there's only one and it seems to be kinda powerful once moded.

But Xaku seems like a frame that needs way too much investment considering how it turned out. Well hopefully DE can buff it up to a decent level at least.

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1 hour ago, MacKerris said:

You need what, 12 Scintillant? Play the game and you'll get it. 

Or you won't. Because Scintillant in a bounty reward pool is an utter lie and when you farm vaults, the mechs can just fall through the floor so you may not get the thing even if it drops.

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