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[Suggestion] Marked For Death helminth ability


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The videos popping up showing off marked for death make it look amazing. But the videos are all solo. No companions or group member. That's probably because marking an enemy and then the enemy getting hit by a pet, or sentinel weapon, or saryn spore means the mark was wasted.

Nerf the ability if it's necessary but what if it's changed to limit the number of revives a person has while it's equipped. So that people can still use it solo but it's really risky. I'll open up a new way of playing. I think it's better than it getting nerfed into something nobody will use for anything.

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Marked for Death (aka Marked for Hype and then Marked for Nerf) will be nerfed. It's just a Marketing for Grind, always was.

It's going to get nefed into something useless. That was the plan.

Anyways, *continues to subsume Rhino*, just so Roar can be nerfed more.

Go back to grind!

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