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Jugulus Mod Proc Effect


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Can someone help me out here, whenever I do a slam effect it says its proccing, but i'm not seeing any visual associated with the proc? No noticable tendril etc. I have 2/3 Jugulus Mods active, the melee and carapace. 

Is there supposed to be a visual effect I'm missing? Is it just super brief?

If not, please move this to Xbox1 Bugs I suppose. 

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So ive been messing around with the only jugulus mod I own, the barbs. On my redeemer I have never seen it work in the simulacra, in missions I see tendrils spawn from regular attacks but I may be seeing an ally's tendrils. I put it on my pathocyst and it works as intended, slam attacks spawn the tendrils for any enemy in its radius.

However I dont get any icon indicating a cooldown but it indeed does take about 12s for it to work again. For both redeemer and the pathocyst whenever I melee in any form a very short one second jugulus mod set buff shows up. I dont think that does anything or is intended.

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